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于 2016-03-06 发布 文件大小:50KB
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  可根据需要上传图片logo 首页链接的调用(点击排在前5位的站点) 文字链接的调用(可取消) login.asp 后台管理登陆口 帐号、密码均为admin(According to the need to upload pictures logo The home page links (click to call the top 5 sites) Text link call (can be cancelled) Login.asp background management landing port The account and password are admin)



0 个回复

  • CPP
    东南大学上课教材。对初学者有很好的帮助,希望对大家有用(Southeast University school textbooks. Have a good help for beginners, I hope to be useful)
    2016-05-31 21:34:54下载
  • PPM_PCM_FM_2.4G
    2.4g和FM(72MHZ,40MHZ,35MHZ……)是个啥信号波,就是我们的控制内容,手拿遥控器推一推摇杆,信号波的频率就会改变(2.4g and FM (72MHZ, 40MHZ, 35MHZ ......) is Gesha signal wave is our control content, holding the remote control push, rocker, will change the frequency of the signal wave)
    2013-06-04 12:50:31下载
  • Cammer-Web
    数码产品网站,包括产品介绍、展栏、分布与链接,还有用户注册登陆及留言板等功能(cammer producter)
    2016-01-06 15:23:53下载
  • liuyanban(9-27OK)
    实现留言板,可以提供新用户的使用,主要体现的是文件的使用性(Achieving message boards can provide new users use, mainly is the file used)
    2013-09-29 11:05:02下载
  • webscin
    web漏洞扫描 web安全检测 网站检测(web vulnerability scanning web security testing)
    2014-02-21 11:44:29下载
  • ds1
    建立一张顺序存储结构的线性表(顺序表),表中数据元素为整型数,能够存储的最大元素数量为50。在该顺序表上依次完成以下操作: (1)判定线性表是否为空。 (2)依次在顺序表尾部(第n+1位,n位线性表长度)插入数据元素:15、207、36、79、21、97、652、109、66、81,然后输出整张线性表(依次输出所有元素)。 (3)删除第5个元素,然后输出整张线性表。 (4)在线性表的第3位插入数据92,然后输出整张线性表。 (5)在线性表中查找值为79的元素,如果存在输出它是第几位,不存在输出提示信息。 (6)线性表中查找值为31的元素,如果存在输出它是第几位,不存在输出提示信息。 (7)查找线性表中,值为652的元素的前驱元素以及后继元素的值。 (Order to establish a linear table storage structure (order form), the table is an integer number of data elements, the maximum number of elements that can be stored is 50. On the order form in order to complete the following: (1) determine whether a linear table is empty. (2) sequentially in the order form the tail (the n+1 bit, n-bit linear meter length) into the data elements: 15,207,36,79,21,97,652,109,66,81, and then output the entire linear table (in order to output all elements). (3) Delete the first five elements, and then output the entire linear form. The first three insert data (4) line of the table 92, and then output the entire linear form. (5) Find a linear table of elements is 79, if there is it is the first of several output, the output message does not exist. (6) Find a linear table of elements is 31, and if there is it is the first of several output, the output message does not exist. (7) Find a linear table, element 652 is a precursor elements and the va)
    2014-05-11 19:16:52下载
  • 20090421
    2009-05-19 11:50:08下载
  • RGB_Colour1618447212003
    RGB Colour Wheel for Visual Basic
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  • lrc2utf
    该程序作用:将后缀为了;lrc的歌词文件,转换成 ulead 会声会影10.0 中的歌词导入文件(后缀为utf)。使用方法:先在文件中打开 .lrc 文件,然后开始转换,完毕可以查看结果,转换后的文件以 .utf 保存在同一目录下。(role in the procedure : To suffix; Lrc lyrics documents, converted into 10.0 ulead Huiqinghuiying the lyrics into paper (suffix for utf). Use : first opened in the document. Lrc file, and then started to change, can view complete results conversion of documents to. utf preserved in the same directory.)
    2007-05-20 11:11:00下载
  • temperature-display
    51单片机温度采集与显示设计 - 通过DS18B20温度传感器获取温度,并通过数码管显示,并实现了温度可手动校准(51 single-chip temperature acquisition and display design- through DS18B20 temperature sensor for temperature, and through the digital display, and achieve a temperature can be manually calibrated)
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