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于 2016-03-06 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  输入学生序号,可以获得学生的总分,平均分,还可以获得一门课程的最低最高分以及课程的补考情况(Enter a student ID, students can obtain the total score, the average score, you can also get a make-up course in the case of the lowest and highest points of the course)



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  • A1
    科密A1考勤管理系统1_1_0_721安装包(good morning)
    2016-10-23 11:15:00下载
  • daima
    VB图书管理系统,基于VB的图书管理系统的程序开发,只作参考(VB library management system, library management system based on the VB-program development, only for reference)
    2009-12-14 19:01:24下载
  • sushe
    考查点:线性结构、文件操作 注意:必须使用文件存储数据,不得使用数据库管理系统。 任务:通过此系统可以实现如下功能: 录入: 可以录入宿舍情况,包括宿舍号、可容纳学生数、已容纳学生数、男生/女生宿舍等信息; 可以录入学生住宿情况,包括学号、姓名、性别、宿舍号等信息。 其他信息可以自行设计。 分配宿舍:为每一个学生分配入一个未住满的宿舍。能否提供一个智能分配算法?推荐选择?批量分配?鼓励创新。(Check point: linear structure, file operations Note: you must use the file to store data, can not use management system. Mission: through this system can realize the following functions: Entry: Can enter the dormitory, including dorm number, can accommodate students number, already accommodate students number, boy/girl s dormitory information Can enter the student accommodation, including student id, name, gender, dormitory, etc. Other information can be designed. Dormitory: for each student assigned into a dormitory is not full. Can you provide a smart allocation algorithm? Recommended choice? Batch distributed? Encourage innovation. )
    2016-03-04 18:14:21下载
  • xuesheng
    校内学生通讯录管理系统,基本框架要求: 0.显示通讯录 * * 1.添加记录 * * 2.修改记录 * * 3.删除记录 * * 4.按姓名排序 * * 5.按姓名查询 * * 6.快速查询 * * 7.退出 (Campus student directory management system)
    2013-09-08 10:48:53下载
  • link
    嵌入式的学生成绩管理系统 可以增 删 改 查信息 (Embedded student achievement management system)
    2010-06-16 10:21:28下载
  • studentallguanli
    学生信息管理系统(VC+SQL SERVER) 基于VC环境下编写的(Student Information Management System (VC+ SQL SERVER) based on the VC environment prepared)
    2020-07-03 07:20:02下载
  • ddd
    校际运动会管理系统。采用mfc编写的。可直接运行。校际运动会管理系统:本系统将帮助裁判对各学校和运动员进行排名,并且可对运动员进行信息录入查找,还可以通过不同权限可对运动员资料进行阅读或修改,从而达到分级管理的目的。 运动员信息管理:对运动员的基本信息包括运动员姓名,年龄,性别,ID,隶属学校,参加比赛项目分数等等。不同权限的人对本系统可见范围不同,所获得权力也不同。 (Inter-School Games Management System. Using mfc writing. Can be run directly. Schools Games Management System: This system will help the referee to rank schools and athletes, and athletes information into the Find different permissions, you can also read or modify the data of athletes, so as to achieve the purpose of the classification management. Athlete information management: the athlete' s basic information, including the name of player, age, gender, ID, attached to the school, to participate in the competition scores. Permission of the visible range, the powers.)
    2013-04-03 10:22:03下载
  • student-grade-manager
    实现学生成绩管理,分姓名查找、分学号查找(Achieve student performance management, sub-name lookup, sub school Lookup)
    2013-12-20 17:24:09下载
  • MFC001
    VC/C++源码,数据库应用,管理系统  vc++简易学生考试管理系统,分两大功能,学生成绩管理和学生信息管理,功能不太多,完成基本的学生信息录入、查询、管理,可以先看一下源码爱好者测试抓图,比较标准的C++窗体应用,就当作是一个VC操作数据库的参考实例 吧。(VC/C++ source code, applications, student management system vc++ simple examination management system, divided into two functions, student management and student information management function is not too much to complete the basic student information entry, query, management, you can look at source enthusiasts test shots, more standard C++ application form, it is a reference to an instance of VC as the operation of the right.)
    2014-12-24 11:27:52下载
  • VisualBasicAccess2000
    VB学生信息管理系统(源代码+可执行程序+开题报告+论文+答辩PPT)(Visual Basic+Access2000)
    2010-05-23 12:43:31下载
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