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于 2010-08-28 发布 文件大小:2125KB
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  it helps to enhance the ideas on wimax physical layer.



0 个回复

  • slope_adapt_filter
    实现对InSAR复相位信号进行基于局部频率估计的“斜坡自适应(slope-adapt)滤波” 此滤波方法特别适用于InSAR相位图滤波,能在最大限度保持有用信息的条件下滤除各种噪声。(A matlab function of Slope-adapt-filter for InSAR phase filtering. It is based on local frequency estimation.)
    2009-03-21 17:26:21下载
  • 10-Dipole-FDM
    this program calculate dipole antenna charachteristics by FDM method.
    2013-01-09 17:07:06下载
  • Matlab_Test
    matlab在控制系统中的运用,模糊控制中的传递函数(matlab control system, fuzzy control of the transfer function)
    2012-08-10 23:05:44下载
  • turbine3
    实现含风电场RX模型的系统潮流计算,风电场采用RX模型,此模型充分考虑风力发电机的输出功率特性,比其他模型完善,在模型中将迭代过程分为两步:常规潮流迭代计算和异步风力发电机的滑差迭代计算。( In short, the algorithm carried out to simulate the wind farmas an RX bus is as follows: 1)Begin with s=snorm in each machine, snorm being the rated slip of the same. With this value, calculate the impedance Z. 2)With these values, model the wind farm as an RX bus including the admittances of the machines in the admittance matrix and in the corresponding terms of the jacobian. 3)As a result of the first power flow, the voltages in the buses can be obtained. With these, can calculate the mechanical power of the machine. 4)With the value of s, calculate the power extracted the wind with . 5)Compare both powers and, if they are not equal, recalculate,by means of (G) and go to step 2. If they are equal, he algorithm finishes.)
    2021-04-15 16:18:54下载
    详细的介绍了有关matlab绘图方便的操作,对初学者非常有用(For details about the matlab graphics and convenient operation is very useful for beginners)
    2010-03-15 15:14:55下载
  • L_DandBurg
    L_D算法和Burg算法解Toeplitz矩阵并进行参数估计,并对信号的功率谱进行比较(Levinson algorithm and Burg algorithm )
    2012-04-06 14:02:58下载
  • Pattern-Recognition-and-Machine-Learning
    Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Solutions to the Exercises
    2012-08-23 17:43:04下载
  • radersystem4
    provide an overview of the radar probability of detection calculations and related topics.(provide an overview of the radar probabili ty of detection calculations and related topic s.)
    2006-11-22 11:43:14下载
  • smartantena
    MATLAB仿真在通信与电子工程中的应用-智能天线仿真MATLAB源程序(MATLAB simulation applications in communications and electronic engineering- smart antenna simulation MATLAB source)
    2013-01-30 14:58:00下载
  • matlab
    matlab 通用神经网络代码 学习了一段时间的神经网络,总结了一些经验,在这愿意和大家分享一下,希望对大家有帮助,也希望大家可以把其他神经网络的通用代码在这一起分享感应器神经网络、线性网络、BP神经网络、径向基函数网络(MATLAB general neural network code learning neural network for some time, summed up some experience in this and we are willing to share, we want to help, and hope we can put the common code of other neural network in this share with sensor nerves network, linear network, BP neural network, radial basis function network)
    2013-04-27 16:46:40下载
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