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于 2016-03-15 发布 文件大小:272KB
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  How to Read and Understand the SNMP MIB Is your SNMP knowledge good enough? What if you could instantly understand the capabilities of any SNMP device?





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  • Web-security
    Web应用安全漏洞扫描工具的设计与实现 算法清晰内容丰富代码明确(Web application security vulnerability scanning tool design and algorithm definition content rich code explicitly)
    2013-01-18 14:09:42下载
  • Adhoc
    针对家庭网络组网的业务和服务特点,根据OSI模型,在深入研究数据链路层信道共享技术中MAC层CSDN/CA协议及其DCF机制和MAC层协议的信道利用率的基础上,提出了一种基于Adboc模式的无线家庭网络分层模型,设计出一个用于家庭网络节点间通信的通信子网,包括物理层,数据链路层和网络层,并对物理层传输技术,链路层信道共享技术以及网络层路由技术进行了分系和设计。(For a home network characteristics of network operations and services, according to OSI model, in-depth study of channel sharing the data link layer MAC layer technology CSDN/CA protocol and DCF MAC layer protocol mechanism and the channel utilization, based on the proposed Adboc model based hierarchical model of a wireless home network, to design a home network node communication for the communication subnet, including the physical layer, data link layer and network layer and physical layer transmission technology, link layer channel sharing technology and network layer routing technology and design of sub systems.)
    2011-05-07 17:41:24下载
  • Technik_590705
    ystem will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.
    2011-04-21 16:16:27下载
  • IQmath_v15a
    IQ-math user s guide for 2833x
    2012-07-11 15:21:13下载
    ADIBEAM Abstract—the increase in navigation accuracy demanded by EGNOS and Galileo and their future evolution encourages the study and design of advance receiver architectures. In that direction, the ADIBEAM project focuses on the design of high accuracy ground stations, specifically GNSS Reference Stations, in order to improve its robustness in front of multipath and interference errors with the goal of achieving centimeter level tracking accuracy. The adoption of antenna arrays and digital beamforming at the ground reference station receivers is one of the most promising approaches to cope with errors induced by multipath and interference.
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  • ATM_text
    Pocket Guide for Asynchronous Transfer Mode and ATM Testing
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  • Consensus-and-Cooperation-
    分布式一致性协议,很适合刚接触一致性的新手(The consistency of distributed agreement, it is very suitable for new to novices)
    2021-03-10 15:39:26下载
  • Optical-Interconnects
    未来光通信互连技术书籍,国外大牛写的一本关于光通信的书,对于光通信互连研究很有帮助。(The future of optical communication interconnect technology books。)
    2017-03-28 14:25:19下载
  • BCI_Chap_Rehab_book
    this file about Brain computer interface and its types like p300 detection
    2010-07-12 21:01:18下载
  • HOLLYSYS01-2
    说明:  HOLLYSYS(和利时)MACSV的DCS系统编程文档 是和利时公司第五代DCS系统,我公司目前采用此系统且三年来运行良好!!(此文档为第一本)(HOLLYSYS (and Hollysys) MACSV programming of the DCS system and the document is the fifth generation of the company profits when the DCS system, our company is currently using this system over the past three years and running good! ! (This document is for the first))
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