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于 2021-04-17 发布 文件大小:3321KB
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  这是我毕业设计涉及的一部分,基于MountainTop数据的STAP算法仿真,该MountainTop数据可以在网上下载(This is part of my graduation design, based on MountainTop data STAP algorithm simulation, the data can be downloaded the Internet)





0 个回复

  • chachong
    主要是比较客户书目和公司书目的异同,剔出客户已有的书目。便于客户选书下订单。 系统采用后台线程。和进度指示。 并且制作了安装程序,具备软件雏形了(Bibliography and more customers are mainly companies bibliography of similarities and differences, bound by existing customers bibliography. Easier for customers to choose the book orders. System uses a background thread. And progress indicator. And making the installation process, with a software prototype)
    2011-08-03 17:14:06下载
  • 2005710212842800
    C++源代码 / 数据库应用用用MFC操作ACCESS数据库.编写(C source/database applications using MFC operation with ACCESS database. Prepared)
    2005-07-12 17:20:47下载
  • Student_System_Manager
    一个简单的学生管理系统,我自己写的,功能不是很强大,但是有点用,希望你们会喜欢,对于大多数学数据可得同学,应该有用,我就是学数据库的,这是我课设的作业。。(A simple student management system, I wrote it myself, not very powerful, but a little with the hope that you will like)
    2013-12-01 22:57:14下载
  • Library-Management-System
    C#语言实现图书馆管理系统,实例开发,学习实践,掌握C#语言(C# language library management system, case development, study and practice to master C# language )
    2020-09-03 16:38:07下载
  • CtrlListDatabase
    本文以“学生信息管理”系统雏形为例子,介绍在MFC下如何使用ADO连接数据库编程,并给出示例代码。下面内容第一至四节介绍如何采用ADO连接数据库、关闭数据、执行sql语句及如何用另一种方式执行常用的select语句。第五节介绍如何使用Datagrid控件:建立_RecordsetPtr对象与Datagrid控件之间的绑定,通过改变_RecordsetPtr对象的内容更新数据库表的记录。第一至四节的内容请参考代码“CtrlListDatabase.rar”,第五节内容请参考“Datagrid.rar”请同学们结合ADO.NET课程内容自主学习,将所学到的技术应用到项目实训中。(In this paper, " Student Information Management" system prototype as an example, describes how to use ADO connection MFC database programming, and gives sample code. The following section describes how the contents of the first four databases using ADO connection, turn off the data, and how to execute sql statements in a different manner commonly used in select statements. Section V describes how to use Datagrid control: the establishment of _RecordsetPtr object and Datagrid binding between controls, the contents of the object by changing the _RecordsetPtr update the database tables. The contents of the first four sections, please reference code " CtrlListDatabase.rar" , please refer to section V, " Datagrid.rar" ask someone with ADO.NET independent study course, will have learned techniques to project training in .)
    2011-05-31 09:39:31下载
  • paperManageSystem
    学生毕业设计学生管理系统asp.net项目源码 一些问题已经完美解救(Student graduation project, student management system, asp.net project source code Some problems have been perfectly rescued)
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  • studentSystemEJB
    学生选课系统:1学生注册模块;2.学生登录模块;3.学生选课模块;4.学生删除课程模块;5.学生查看课程和个人信息模块;3.管理员登陆模块;3.管理员课程管理模块;3.管理员学生管理模块;3.管理员查看个人信息和学生信息模块;(Student elective system: a student registration module 2 Student login module 3 students elective modules 4 students Delete course modules 5 students view courses and personal information module 3. Administrator landing module 3. Administrator Program management module 3. Administrator Student Management Module 3. administrators to view personal information and student information module )
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  • JSP-student
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  • LMS
      图书管理系统(LMS)用于图书馆进行图书的管理,主要的功能包括借书、还书、查找等。不同的使用对象具有不同的权限。(Library management system (LMS) for the management of library books, the main function including the library, book, Find. The use of different objects have different permissions.)
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