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于 2016-03-16 发布 文件大小:17KB
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  图书管理系统,是一个由人、计算机等组成的能进行管理信息的收集、传递、加工、保存、维护和使用的系统。(Library management system, is a by the people, the computer can be composed of the collection of management information, transmission, processing, preservation, maintenance, and use of the system.)



0 个回复

  • cPP-sql-student
    本系统是开发一个基于VC++ 技术的教务管理系统,为单机版的对所有学生从入学到毕业的全部过程中的基本信息进行管理的系统。其处理事务功能:学籍变动(转学、休学等),基本信息采集、学号自动生成、毕业处理等。登陆权限有:管理员,学生。 学 生:可以登陆系统,查看、修改个人部分基础信息,查询成绩。 管理员:拥有所有权限,可以修改所有信息,插入新的学生记录等。 (The system is to develop a VC++ technologies based educational management system for stand-alone version for all students to graduate from the school during all the basic information management system. Its processing services features: student status changes (transfer, suspension, etc.), basic information collection, study number is automatically generated, graduation processing. Landing rights are: administrators, students. Student: You can login, view, modify some basic personal information, query results. Administrator: has all the permissions, you can modify all the information, insert a new student records.)
    2011-05-10 09:43:26下载
  • ex10
    定义一个CStudent类,在该类定义中包括:一个数据成员score(分数)及两个静态数据成员total(总分)和学生人数count:成员函数STC(float s)设置分数,求总分,累计学生人数:静态成员函数Sum返回总分;静态成员函数Average求平均值。在main函数中,输入某班同学的成绩,并调用上述函数求全班学生的总分和平均分。(Define a CStudent class in the class definition, including: a data member score (Score) and two static data members total (total score) and the number of students count: the member function STC (float s) set score, find the total score, the cumulative Number of students: the static member function Sum return score static member function Average average. In the main function, enter the results of a class of students seeking the total score and the average score of students in the class and call the above function.)
    2012-12-04 21:00:34下载
  • Drawboard
    用MFC编写了一个简单的画板程序和学生信息管理系统,可实现简易作画以及学生信息的管理(With the MFC write a simple drawing board procedures and student information management system, enabling easy to paint and student information management)
    2020-07-03 06:40:02下载
  • student_management
    一个学生信息管理的小系统,可以增加记录,查找记录,可以将数据导出到制定文件(student information management)
    2013-12-16 21:49:36下载
  • VB
    说明:  ·使用SSH整合的高校学生选课系统,主 (GIS maploook you can use it to watch map)
    2012-05-04 16:48:16下载
  • tsggl
    VB的图书馆管理系统.管理员的帐号和密码都是(VB library management system. Administrator account and password are )
    2007-05-07 21:39:09下载
  • ddd
    校际运动会管理系统。采用mfc编写的。可直接运行。校际运动会管理系统:本系统将帮助裁判对各学校和运动员进行排名,并且可对运动员进行信息录入查找,还可以通过不同权限可对运动员资料进行阅读或修改,从而达到分级管理的目的。 运动员信息管理:对运动员的基本信息包括运动员姓名,年龄,性别,ID,隶属学校,参加比赛项目分数等等。不同权限的人对本系统可见范围不同,所获得权力也不同。 (Inter-School Games Management System. Using mfc writing. Can be run directly. Schools Games Management System: This system will help the referee to rank schools and athletes, and athletes information into the Find different permissions, you can also read or modify the data of athletes, so as to achieve the purpose of the classification management. Athlete information management: the athlete' s basic information, including the name of player, age, gender, ID, attached to the school, to participate in the competition scores. Permission of the visible range, the powers.)
    2013-04-03 10:22:03下载
  • xsxxgl
    一个简单的学生信息管理系统,是小弟的第一个产品。。求指教。。(A simpl system for managing student information.)
    2020-07-03 07:00:02下载
  • haizeiwang
    学生成绩管理系统,输入学生所有信息,然后可以对学生信息进行处理,(Student achievement management system, enter all the information the students, student information can then be processed,)
    2013-09-19 19:27:58下载
  • wzxxglxt
    这个是基于vb的物资信息管理系统,是一篇很好的课程设计,希望对大家能有所帮助!(Vb this is based on material information management system, is a very good curriculum design, in the hope that we can help!)
    2008-12-28 21:00:14下载
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