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  • qppkv
    最小二乘回归分析算法,matlab开发工具箱中的支持向量机,小波包分析提取振动信号中的特征频率。( Least-squares regression analysis algorithm, matlab development toolbox support vector machine, Wavelet packet analysis to extract vibration signal characteristic frequency.)
    2017-04-23 22:51:22下载
  • 双端影视
    说明:  免自动解析各大影视APP,无需再开通VIP去看电影!(Avoid automatic parsing of major movies and TV apps, no need to open VIP to see movies!)
    2020-06-15 22:25:02下载
  • 水下扩频系统研究
    说明:  水下扩频系统研究,本系统采用直接扩频序列方式,在有多径水声信道和无多径的水声信道进行研究比较(Research on underwater spread spectrum system, this system adopts direct spread spectrum sequence mode, and carries on the research comparison in the multi-path underwater acoustic channel and the non-multi-path underwater acoustic channel)
    2020-03-14 22:23:23下载
  • read_grib2
    说明:  在matlab中读取grib文件,GRIB 码是与计算机无关的压缩的二进制编码,主要用来表示数值天气预报的产品资料。现行的GRIB 码版本有GRIB1 和GRIB2 两种格式。(Reading grib file in matlab, GRIB code is a computer-independent compression binary code, which is mainly used to represent the product data of numerical weather forecast. The current version of GRIB code has two formats: GRIB1 and GRIB2.)
    2020-06-20 19:20:02下载
  • jTopo-master
    jtopo拓扑图的实现,使用JTOPO开源,创建JTOPO应用(JTOPO MASTER,use jtopo source,create my usecase)
    2019-02-19 09:05:25下载
  • 原始CASSI
    该程序用于实现CASSI编码孔径成像系统,利用压缩感知重构算法。(The program is used to implement CASSI coded aperture imaging system, using compressed sensing reconstruction algorithm.)
    2020-06-24 13:40:02下载
  • 双机器人协调路径规划
    说明:  双机器人路径规划,一种新型的路径规划,仅供参考!(Dual robot path planning, a new path planning, for reference only!)
    2019-11-01 09:17:47下载
  • 用vc对信号进行存储因为数字表示可以有冗余数据。通过冗余数据的信息,即使传输过程中信号发生严重变化,也可以恢复原来的信号。因此数据信号被广泛使用:通讯、领航、医...
    用vc对信号进行存储因为数字表示可以有冗余数据。通过冗余数据的信息,即使传输过程中信号发生严重变化,也可以恢复原来的信号。因此数据信号被广泛使用:通讯、领航、医药、声音处理、计算机等-With vc the signal that can be stored as digital data have redundancy. Redundant data through the information, even if the transmission signal a serious change, you can revert to the original signal. Thus data signals are widely used: communications, navigation, medicine, voice processing, computer, etc.
    2022-06-03 05:04:43下载
  • 这个程序是阳历
    这个程序是阳历-阴历的转换程序,内容简单却很实用。想知道使用阴历生日朋友的阳历出生日期吗?用过本程序就知道了-the procedure is solar- lunar calendar conversion process is very simple and practical content. Wondered the use of the lunar calendar birthday friends solar calendar date of birth? Used this procedure will know
    2022-04-12 10:03:57下载
  • HealthyLife
    一个健身的APP,源码放包里面了,Androidstudio写的,界面比较简单,但基本功能可以以实现。(A fitness APP, the source code to put inside the package, written Androidstudio, interface is simple, but can in order to realize the basic functions.)
    2020-06-30 08:40:01下载
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