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于 2016-03-21 发布 文件大小:173KB
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  徐士良c++第四版基础教程代码,简单易懂(Based tutorial Xu Shiliang fourth edition of c + + code, easy to understand)



0 个回复

  • 华为校园招聘笔试面试题合集
    华为校园招聘合集,各个岗位的的笔试题,非常有用(good book is good book)
    2018-03-20 21:50:52下载
  • j
    说明:  基于数字全息和离散余弦变换的数字水印技术(Digital watermarking technology based on digital holography and discrete cosine transform)
    2013-03-18 15:47:09下载
  • IDA.Pro.5.4help
    ida的帮助文件,翻译成中文的,查函数很方便(ida' s help file, translated into Chinese, it is convenient search function)
    2020-07-02 16:00:02下载
  • game
    用VB编写DirectX7.0游戏   DirectX7.0终于出现了,同前面DirectX6相同,版本7也带了一个庞大(129M)的SDK开发库,同DirectX6 SDK库相比,DirectX7的SDK库提供了以下新的功能:   * 对于Visual Basic的支持。用户可以使用类库在Visual Basic环境下开发基于DirectX的程序。   * 提供更多DirectX3D立即模式(Immediate Mode)下的API函数,以支持DirectX7中新的3D特效,包括立体环境映射、顶点混合等。   * DirectMusic支持DownLoadable Sound Level 2标准。   * DirectInput支持8按键的游戏杆设备,同时支持Microsoft的力反馈摇杆。SDK库提供了读取力反馈效果文件的方法。同时提供了Force Editor程序来建立效果。   对于VB爱好者来说,新的SDK库终于提供了完整的对VB的支持,现在终于可以使用Visual Basic来编写DirectX的程序了。 (err)
    2008-08-26 10:40:25下载
  • DiscreteMathematicsandItsApplications
    一本非常NB的关于计算机的离散数学与应用书籍!(Discrete Mathematics and its Applications is a focused introduction to the primary themes in a discrete mathematics course, as introduced through extensive applications, expansive discussion, and detailed exercise sets. These themes include mathematical reasoning, combinatorial analysis, discrete structures, algorithmic thinking, and enhanced problem-solving skills through modeling. Its intent is to demonstrate the relevance and practicality of discrete mathematics to all students. The Fifth Edition includes a more thorough and linear presentation of logic, proof types and proof writing, and mathematical reasoning. This enhanced coverage will provide students with a solid understanding of the material as it relates to their immediate field of study and other relevant subjects. The inclusion of applications and examples to key topics has been significantly addressed to add clarity to every subject. True to the Fourth Edition, the text-specific web site supplements the subject matter i)
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    说明:  源码 for "C語言數位影像處理" 吳上力 編譯(Source code for "C language digital image processing")
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  • heikeyuhuajia
    黑客与画家,高清扫描版pdf,中文版,是一本不错的计算机专业书籍(Hackers and Painters, HD scan version pdf, Chinese version, is a good computer science books)
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  • 123
    是一个进程调度的程序,里面可以学到一些简单的进程调度,大家看一下吧(Is a process, the activation procedures, which can learn some simple process of scheduling, we look at it)
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    Qt Designer应用东软培训资料,对初学者很有用。这是第二部分。(Qt Designer application Neusoft training materials, useful for beginners. This is the second part.)
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