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  真实反照率计算程序,根据查找表将黑天空和白天空反照率转换为真实反照率,附件带查找表(Real albedo calculation program, according to a lookup table to convert the black sky and white sky albedo albedo is true, the lookup table with annex)


..................\htm" target=_blank>readme,6550,2007-07-13



0 个回复

  • glue
    GLUE通过蒙托卡罗样点用来分析水文模型参数不确定性分析(GLUE through Monte Carlo samples used to analyze the hydrological model parameter uncertainty analysis)
    2020-12-05 11:29:23下载
  • RefProp7
    一个关于物性计算的软件,能够计算出各种制冷剂的物性,而且有DLL文件供VB和Matlab调用,使用及其方便。(A calculation on the physical properties of the software can calculate various physical properties of refrigerants, and have DLL files for VB and Matlab call, use and convenience.)
    2021-04-22 23:28:48下载
  • Production_function
    the Cobb–Douglas functional form of production functions
    2010-03-12 06:39:27下载
  • WASH
    关于 ZFC 框架的自述文件 2003.6.18 ====================================================================== 如何在PowerBuilder 开发环境中运行ZFC 框架。 1、文件 app.pbl 常用应用库; controls.pbl zfc 控件库; main.pbl 主要对象库; demo.pbl 演示程序库; 2、目录 DB 演示数据库; PSR 演示PB报表; 3、基于 ZFC 框架编写程序需要哪些文件和表: 引用main.pbl、controls.pbl、app.pbl 三个库 演示数据库中的Employee,EmployeeToFunction,Function,Profile 四个表; 演示数据库中的usp_DateGet,usp_EmployeeGet,usp_FunctionGet,usp_ProfileGet,usp_ProfileSet 五个存储过程; 如果您使用其他数据库,请移植表和存储过程。 4、PowerBuilder 9.0,Adaptive Server Anywhere 7 必须;(ZFC framework on the readme file 2003.6.18 ========================================= ============================= How to run the PowerBuilder development environment ZFC framework. 1, document library app.pbl commonly used applications controls.pbl zfc Component Library main.pbl the main target of the Treasury demo.pbl presentation library 2, Demo DB database directory PSR demo PB statements 3, based on the framework of the preparation procedures ZFC What are the documents and forms: invoked main.pbl, controls.pbl, app.pbl three library demo database Employee, EmployeeToFunction, Function, Profile four tables demo database usp_DateGet, usp_EmployeeGet, usp_FunctionGet, usp_ProfileGet, usp_ProfileSet five storage process If you use other databases, please transplantation tables and stored procedures. 4, PowerBuilder 9.0, Adaptive Server Anywhere 7 must )
    2008-06-29 07:09:15下载
  • actual_albedo
    真实反照率计算程序,根据查找表将黑天空和白天空反照率转换为真实反照率,附件带查找表(Real albedo calculation program, according to a lookup table to convert the black sky and white sky albedo albedo is true, the lookup table with annex)
    2021-03-20 16:49:18下载
  • model2_tcy
    连续介质的初至旅行时正演。 支持任意地表,连续介质,内部有试验数据。(Modeling 2-method for near suface)
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  • powernode
    牛顿-拉夫逊法潮流计算 基本步骤:   (1)形成节点导纳矩阵   (2)将各节点电压设初值U,   (3)将节点初值代入相关求式,求出修正方程式的常数项向量   (4)将节点电压初值代入求式,求出雅可比矩阵元素   (5)求解修正方程,求修正向量   (6)求取节点电压的新值   (7)检查是否收敛,如不收敛,则以各节点电压的新值作为初值自第3步重新开始进行狭义次迭代,否则转入下一步   (8)计算支路功率分布,PV节点无功功率和平衡节点柱入功率。(Newton-Raphson method flow calculation basic steps : (1) formation of nodal admittance matrix (2) to set up the initial node voltage U, (3) the initial node-generation-related demand. calculated that the constant term formula Vector (4) nodes will be incorporated into the initial voltage-seeking, calculated Jacobian matrix elements (5) solving that equation, seek to amend the vector (6) to strike a new node voltage value (7) to check whether convergence, if not restrained. concentrated in the nodes of the new voltage as the initial value since the first three steps to re-start the narrow iterations. Otherwise, turn into the next (8) Calculation branch power distribution, PV nodes reactive power and balance-node into power.)
    2007-07-10 19:08:09下载
  • sale
    已经设计好的服装销售管理的数据库如有不好之处请多多包涵~!(Has designed clothing sales management of the database if any bad please forgive me ~!)
    2012-09-20 18:10:47下载
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    ANSYS桥梁结构的桩土效应分析学习资料和实例文件(ANSYS pile soil effect)
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  • ccpbin
    转换波共转换点道集抽取程序,用于转换波地震勘探(Converted-wave conversion point gather were extracted procedures for the converted-wave seismic exploration)
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