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  TEncCavlc reference 3D-HEVC



0 个回复

  • 16015315
    (1) 设计一个整数的补码类,有利于任意长整数的补码表示 及其运算; (2) 整数以十进制输入,对输入的数据要进行合法性检查; (3) 实现十进制数的补码转换、补码输出(输出格式为:每 8bit 一组,各组间以空格隔开)。 ((1) u8BBE u8BA1 u4E00 u4E2 u4E2 u657 u6570 u7654 u8865 u7801 u7C7B uFF0C u6709 u5229 u4E8E u4EFB u610F u657 U793A u53A u5136 u8F3 u8F3 u8F0 U5408 u6602 u03123 u03121 u8R03 U8F93 u51FA u683C u5F0F u4E3A uFF1A u6BCF 8bit u4E00 u7EC4 uFF0C u5404 u7EC4 u952F0 u4EE5 u7A7A u683C u9694 u5F00 uFF09 u3002)
    2017-05-20 11:22:37下载
  • 1
    说明:  谭浩强 教材例题程序 每章节的都有(Hao Qiang Example process textbook chapters each have a)
    2009-03-06 22:06:10下载
  • CPPxzcagsa
    非常好的资料,比较详细,是一个体系,希望对大家有帮助C++面试题(Very good information, more detailed, is a system, we hope to help C++ face questions)
    2013-05-02 00:41:46下载
  • gravitationalpotential
    在建构地球重力场模型中,求取引力位必不可少,利用该程序,输入卫星重力数据可求取引力位(In the construction of the Earth gravity field model, the gravitational potential is essential to obtain the use of the program, enter the satellite gravity data can strike a gravitational potential)
    2010-09-22 09:34:42下载
    清华大学CUDA编程教程,能够快速掌握CUDA编程技巧和应用案例(Tsinghua University CUDA programming tutorials, to quickly master the the CUDA programming skills, and the application case)
    2013-04-06 20:54:07下载
  • heikejiemijishu
    想做黑客就得学这个!!此书是很经典的黑客反调试技术!逆向汇编!黑客调试技术揭密(Hackers want to have to learn this! ! This book is a classic anti-debugging techniques hackers! Reverse compilation! Hacker debugging technology Unmasked)
    2008-07-04 12:25:47下载
  • 高质量C++/C编程指南
    说明:  软件质量是被大多数程序员挂在嘴上而不是放在心上的东西! 除了完全外行和真正的编程高手外,初读本书,你最先的感受将是惊慌:“哇!我以前捏造的C++/C程序怎么会有那么多的毛病?” 别难过,作者只不过比你早几年、多几次惊慌而已。 请花一两个小时认真阅读这本百页经书,你将会获益匪浅,这是前面N-1个读者的建议。(Software quality is the majority of programmers have paid lip service rather than the heart! In addition to being a complete layman and a real master of programming, your first reading of the book will be a panic: "Wow! How can I have so many problems with the C++/C program I've made up before?" Don't be sad, the author is only a few years and a few times earlier than you panic. Please spend one or two hours reading this 100 pages of Scripture carefully, and you will benefit a lot from it. This is a suggestion from the previous N-1 readers.)
    2017-06-13 15:49:09下载
  • sfilterFCB
    说明:  传说中的双fcb+虚拟文件系统架构的文件透明加解密 ,代码比较生硬 .(The legendary double-fcb+ file virtual file system architecture transparent encryption and decryption, code comparison blunt.)
    2011-03-06 16:02:37下载
  • 4285
    主要是基于mtlab的程序,包含特征值与特征向量的提取、训练样本以及最后的识别,小波包分析提取振动信号中的特征频率。( Mainly based on the mtlab procedures, Contains the eigenvalue and eigenvector extraction, the training sample, and the final recognition, Wavelet packet analysis to extract vibration signal characteristic frequency.)
    2017-04-21 22:20:44下载
  • Gotchas
    经典的C++ Gotchas,增强C++功底,不可多得啊(The classic C++ Gotchas, enhanced C++ skills, a rare ah)
    2010-01-05 09:49:56下载
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