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  模型预测控制,针对广义预测控制s函数的编写,(The writing of s function for generalized predictive control)


gpc_la.docx, 12069 , 2018-05-12



0 个回复

  • matlabxiti3
    matlab要求编写函数,并画出图的matlab习题,供大家参考(prepared Matlab functions, and draws a plan of Matlab Exercise, for your reference! !)
    2006-05-28 13:22:47下载
  • aftab_clustering1
    this code is useful to make cluster of random data in a particular group
    2012-02-01 21:30:06下载
  • xulietuxiangzuzhengbofang
    用以下的语句即可实现序列图像的组合。本人试了很多程序终于发现此妙招,再次感谢pudn提供的各种便利的下载,对于学者我也会多多发表自己研究的代码。(With the following statement to achieve a combination of image sequences. I have tried many programs and finally found this coup, thanks again pudn provide a variety of convenient download for academics, I also published a lot of their own research code.)
    2012-05-10 20:26:15下载
  • vincentToolbox_3.1.1
    Matlab Structure from motion toolbox for rigid and non rigid scenes
    2011-09-17 16:53:13下载
  • deg2utm
    大地坐标的纬度和经度,许多大地坐标的纬度和经度的批处理非常方便。(Geodetic coordinates to latitude and longitude, very convenient to many geodetic coordinates to latitude and longitude of batch.)
    2015-01-09 09:37:27下载
  • jeghmrht
    matlab小波分析程序,主要是基于mtlab的程序,基于互功率谱的时延估计,一种流形学习算法(很好用),旋转机械二维全息谱计算。( matlab wavelet analysis program, Mainly based on the mtlab procedures, Based on the time delay estimation of power spectrum, A fluid manifold learning algorithm (good use), Rotating machinery 2-d holographic spectrum calculation.)
    2016-03-19 20:03:51下载
  • m_sequence
    说明:  通过通信系统频率合成原理,生成伪随机的m序列(Principles of communication systems through the frequency synthesizer to generate pseudo-random m-sequence)
    2010-03-26 10:41:52下载
    统一设定带宽、脉宽、采样率、脉冲重复频率,用Matab产生16个脉冲的LFM,每个脉冲有4个目标(低速,静止,高速,低速),第3个目标的距离、速度与学号有关。前3个目标的幅度相同,第四个目标幅度是前三个的一半。且距离与第2个静止目标相同。 依次做如下处理: 1 脉压 2 脉压后,相邻2脉冲做MTI(即相邻2个脉冲对应相减),产生15个脉冲 3 脉压后,16个脉冲到齐后,做MTD,输出16个多普勒通道 4 对MTD结果做CFAR(恒虚警) (Unified set bandwidth, pulse width, sampling rate, pulse repetition frequency, and produces 16 pulses Matab LFM, with four goals each pulse (low-speed, static, high-speed, low speed), the first three goals of distance, speed and Student ID related. The first three goals of the same magnitude, and the fourth target range is half of the first three. And from the stationary target with the first two the same. Followed by treatment as follows: 1 pulse 2 pulse pressure, the adjacent two pulses do MTI (that is adjacent to two pulses corresponding to the subtraction), resulting in 15 pulse 3 pulse pressure, 16 pulses in attendance after doing MTD, 16 Doppler channel output 4 MTD results do CFAR (CFAR))
    2011-12-10 10:56:24下载
  • AEC
    the following file is a matlab program done for thesis based on acoustic echo cancellation using LMS algorithm.
    2009-10-24 21:46:07下载
  • trainok1
    通过MATLAB软件所建立的CRH2动车的模型。(Established through MATLAB software model CRH2 EMU.)
    2020-12-06 22:59:23下载
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