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于 2018-05-14 发布 文件大小:992KB
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  用Matlab做的五子棋游戏,包括源代码,可以实现人人对战(We can realize the fight for everyone)


Five_Points_version2.2\available_points.mat, 306 , 2012-10-18
Five_Points_version2.2\available_points_update.m, 741 , 2012-09-08
Five_Points_version2.2\BoyPlay.asv, 293 , 2012-05-01
Five_Points_version2.2\BoyPlay.m, 453 , 2012-05-01
Five_Points_version2.2\C-Source\is_existed_c.asv, 1728 , 2012-05-08
Five_Points_version2.2\C-Source\is_existed_c.cpp, 1402 , 2012-09-08
Five_Points_version2.2\C-Source\is_existed_c.mexw32, 6144 , 2012-09-08
Five_Points_version2.2\Chen Le.png, 250590 , 2012-05-05
Five_Points_version2.2\chessboard.asv, 1793 , 2012-05-08
Five_Points_version2.2\chessboard.m, 1953 , 2012-09-14
Five_Points_version2.2\first_time_play.mat, 186 , 2012-10-18
Five_Points_version2.2\Five_Points_Version_2_2.m, 24781 , 2012-09-14
Five_Points_version2.2\Get_available_points.asv, 703 , 2012-05-03
Five_Points_version2.2\Get_available_points.m, 1146 , 2012-05-03
Five_Points_version2.2\GirlPlay.m, 496 , 2012-05-09
Five_Points_version2.2\is_adjacent.asv, 373 , 2012-05-03
Five_Points_version2.2\is_adjacent.m, 310 , 2012-09-08
Five_Points_version2.2\is_double_huo3.asv, 911 , 2012-05-06
Five_Points_version2.2\is_double_huo3.m, 2396 , 2012-05-07
Five_Points_version2.2\is_double_mian3.asv, 592 , 2012-05-09
Five_Points_version2.2\is_double_mian3.m, 609 , 2012-05-09
Five_Points_version2.2\is_existed.asv, 197 , 2012-05-01
Five_Points_version2.2\is_existed.m, 359 , 2012-09-08
Five_Points_version2.2\is_huo2.asv, 5983 , 2012-05-04
Five_Points_version2.2\is_huo2.m, 6791 , 2012-05-09
Five_Points_version2.2\is_huo3.m, 6265 , 2012-05-09
Five_Points_version2.2\is_huo4.asv, 3860 , 2012-05-07
Five_Points_version2.2\is_huo4.m, 3956 , 2012-05-08
Five_Points_version2.2\is_mian3.asv, 5788 , 2012-05-04
Five_Points_version2.2\is_mian3.m, 5128 , 2012-05-09
Five_Points_version2.2\is_mian4.asv, 4354 , 2012-05-07
Five_Points_version2.2\is_mian4.m, 4477 , 2012-07-15
Five_Points_version2.2\is_mian4_and_huo3.asv, 1108 , 2012-05-06
Five_Points_version2.2\is_mian4_and_huo3.m, 6604 , 2012-05-09
Five_Points_version2.2\is_mian5.asv, 468 , 2012-05-09
Five_Points_version2.2\is_mian5.m, 458 , 2012-05-09
Five_Points_version2.2\is_special_huo3.asv, 6273 , 2012-05-08
Five_Points_version2.2\is_special_huo3.m, 6252 , 2012-05-09
Five_Points_version2.2\is_special_huo4.asv, 1977 , 2012-05-06
Five_Points_version2.2\is_special_huo4.m, 2483 , 2012-05-09
Five_Points_version2.2\is_special_mian4.asv, 9653 , 2012-05-07
Five_Points_version2.2\is_special_mian4.m, 9739 , 2012-05-09
Five_Points_version2.2\is_win.m, 1224 , 2012-05-09
Five_Points_version2.2\is_winner.asv, 968 , 2012-05-02
Five_Points_version2.2\Readme.txt, 946 , 2012-09-11
Five_Points_version2.2\yjbpyjb.jpg, 265831 , 2006-11-29
Five_Points_version2.2\yjbpyjb.png, 73610 , 2012-05-05
Five_Points_version2.2\yjbpyjb1.jpg, 422226 , 2008-10-10
Five_Points_version2.2\C-Source, 0 , 2012-09-08
Five_Points_version2.2, 0 , 2012-10-18



0 个回复

  • C-language-games--gobang-code
    C语言游戏——五子棋,文中详细描述了五子棋游戏的设计规则,如何操作,而且有注释,可以简单明了的看懂操作(C language games- backgammon, backgammon paper describes in detail the design rules of the game, how to operate, and there are notes, you can understand straightforward operation)
    2013-08-15 09:23:21下载
  • 1
    说明:  关于麻将机的原理以及机械结构,还有就是改良计划(About mahjong machine principle and mechanical structure, there is improvement programs)
    2013-11-10 22:40:04下载
  • 2004031211123811497
    台湾人写的五子棋源码,很早以前收集的,看了几天才懂!(Taiwanese wrote renju source, the collection of long ago, after reading a few days can understand!)
    2016-04-21 19:35:43下载
  • ClassOneFight2.0
    参考了这些游戏的创新理念,并且结合自己生活中同学,好友提出的总需求推出了一款更加简单,却异常具有亲和力的类《三国杀》游戏——《一班杀》网络版。使用VS2008编写。(The very popular "Three killed," the puzzle game pushed to an unprecedented height. We have made ​ ​ reference to the innovative ideas of these games, and combined with the students in their own lives, and friends raised the total demand has introduced a more simple, but abnormal affinity class of "Three killed the game-" to kill a group of "online edition.)
    2012-03-09 21:04:05下载
  • N01111
    射击游戏,吃豆子的游戏,简单的界面,逻辑很流畅(Shooting game, Pacman game, simple interface, logic is smooth)
    2010-06-15 00:26:58下载
  • ^-Chess_Pr159510612003
    simple program that offers a game of chess
    2017-10-04 10:41:42下载
  • VCgamedesing
    VC编程游戏,这本电子书不是太难,书中罗列了几个经典的小游戏:五子棋,俄罗斯方块。。。。(use VC++ to design little games,it is not very complex,which can help the VC beginers )
    2009-06-13 14:33:59下载
  • GoMoKu
    使用C++开发的多人五子棋网络对战游戏,支持多对玩家同时在线游戏(Using C++ to develop multi player Gobang network game, supporting multiple players online games simultaneously)
    2018-09-27 14:49:29下载
  • PlantomGo
    幻影围棋棋源代码,参加计算机博弈比大赛亚军的代码。(Phantom Go chess source code, to participate in a computer game than the runner-up code.)
    2021-01-20 22:48:43下载
  • pukepaidama
    扑克牌游戏编程代码 行数不多但功能精确完好(pu ke pai you xi bian cheng dai ma )
    2012-05-04 12:57:07下载
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