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Li ion battery

于 2018-05-15 发布 文件大小:295KB
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  电动汽车用磷酸铁锂电池建模与SOC估算研究(Modeling and SOC estimation of LiFePO4 batteries for electric vehicles)


Li_ion_battery, 0 , 2018-05-02
Li_ion_battery\C_fig.png, 1502 , 2017-08-08
Li_ion_battery\LiBatt_PulseData.mat, 12865 , 2017-08-08
Li_ion_battery\LiBatteryBlocks.slx, 29238 , 2017-08-08
Li_ion_battery\LiCell.slx, 18324 , 2017-08-08
Li_ion_battery\R_fig.png, 2643 , 2017-08-08
Li_ion_battery\V_fig.png, 2942 , 2017-08-08
Li_ion_battery\battery.jpg, 7034 , 2017-08-08
Li_ion_battery\license.txt, 1526 , 2017-08-08
Li_ion_battery\ssc_lithium_battery_1CellMultiplied.slx, 33178 , 2017-08-08
Li_ion_battery\ssc_lithium_battery_80Cells.png, 21656 , 2017-08-08
Li_ion_battery\ssc_lithium_battery_80Cells.slx, 37562 , 2017-08-08
Li_ion_battery\ssc_lithium_battery_80Cells_ini.m, 4031 , 2017-08-08
Li_ion_battery\ssc_lithium_cell_1RC.png, 28083 , 2017-08-08
Li_ion_battery\ssc_lithium_cell_1RC.slx, 37779 , 2017-08-08
Li_ion_battery\ssc_lithium_cell_1RC_estim.png, 19619 , 2017-08-08
Li_ion_battery\ssc_lithium_cell_1RC_estim.slx, 31908 , 2017-08-08
Li_ion_battery\ssc_lithium_cell_1RC_estim_ini.m, 1096 , 2017-08-08
Li_ion_battery\ssc_lithium_cell_1RC_estim_spesession.mat, 26554 , 2017-08-08
Li_ion_battery\ssc_lithium_cell_1RC_ini.m, 2876 , 2017-08-08



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