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于 2017-04-11 发布 文件大小:6KB
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  matlab程序运行时导入数据文件作为输入参数,三相光伏逆变并网的仿真,BP神经网络的整个训练过程。( Import data files as input parameters matlab program is running, Three-phase photovoltaic inverter and network simulation, The entire training process BP neural network.)





0 个回复

  • yyqc
    采用RGB模型进行阴影的检测与去除。能够显示前景、背景、去除阴影后的运动目标(RGB model with shadow detection and removal. To show foreground, background, after the removal of shadows moving target)
    2010-06-23 15:40:13下载
  • MIT_program
    说明:  此MATLAB程序用于读取MIT-ECG数据、将二进制数据转换为十进制数据(The MATLAB program used to read the MIT-ECG data, binary data is converted to decimal data)
    2010-04-05 13:17:13下载
  • 11222
    in tab file with example files
    2012-04-16 19:03:48下载
  • signal_procesing
    数字信号处理基于matlab 文件内容 /conv(卷积部分) dupconv 重叠保留法 freqcirconv 频域圆周卷积 freqconv 频域卷积 timecirconv 时域圆周卷积 timeconv 时域卷积 /fft(频域分析部分) d2fft 基2FFT dft DFT最简化程序 dtft DTFT演示 /fir(fir滤波器设计) fir 得到fir滤波器hn getwindow 得到fir滤波器窗函数wn idealfilter 理想滤波器(低通,高通,带通)hdn idealhd 理想低通滤波器 /fir gui(fir滤波器GUI设计) gui_top 总图 gui_fir fir滤波器GUI gui_sigout 选择信号GUI /power caculate(功率谱分析) directpower 直接谱分析 indirectpower 间接谱分析(估计谱分析) noise 噪声谱分析 /sigout(常见信号产生) sigout 离散信号产生(Digital signal processing matlab based on the content of the document/conv (convolution part) dupconv law of reservations freqcirconv overlapping frequency domain circular convolution freqconv frequency domain convolution timecirconv time-domain circular convolution timeconv time-domain convolution/fft (frequency domain analysis part) d2fft base 2FFT dft DFT the most simplified procedure dtft DTFT demo/fir (fir filter design) fir be fir filter hn getwindow be fir filter window function wn idealfilter ideal filter (low pass, high pass, band-pass) hdn idealhd ideal low-pass Filter/fir gui (fir filter GUI design) gui_top general layout gui_fir fir filter selection GUI gui_sigout signal GUI/power caculate (power spectrum analysis) directpower direct spectral analysis indirectpower indirect spectral analysis (spectral analysis estimated) noise noise spectrum analysis/sigout (common signals) sigout discrete signals)
    2014-06-06 10:51:43下载
  • simmm1
    SIMMM1 simulate a M/M/1 queueing system. Poisson arrivals of intensity lambda. Poisson service times S of intensity mu.
    2009-05-25 16:33:40下载
  • matlab
    说明:  TSAI法相机标定,求解一阶径变系数和焦距F,希望对大家有所帮助(TSAI camera calibration method, for solving a class Path Coefficients and focus F, hope to be helpful)
    2010-04-26 23:53:40下载
  • Hough_LineDetect
    自己编写的利用霍夫变换检测满足一定条件直线的matlab程序,对各个参数进行了详细说明(I have written using Hough transform to detect straight line to meet certain conditions, matlab program for a detailed explanation of each parameter)
    2010-05-30 05:48:37下载
  • nist_aodv2
    AODV路由算法的OPNET环境仿真实现(The AODV The OPNET simulation to achieve)
    2012-04-21 21:23:16下载
  • hpfilter
    HP filter to detrend time series data. Very useful!
    2012-01-25 22:24:13下载
  • guangfu
    说明:  IEEE33节点的并网光伏发电可直接运行(The grid connected photovoltaic power generation of ieee33 node can operate directly)
    2020-12-10 19:39:20下载
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