首页 » matlab » YALMIP_R20100813


于 2010-08-30 发布 文件大小:955KB
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  YALMIP是一种定义和求解高级优化问题的模化语言,能够解决所有标准优化问题和高级主题,完全可以替代Matlab中的Optim和LMI工具箱(YALMIP is a high-level optimization problem definition and solving the modeling language, to solve the optimization problem for all standard and advanced topics, can replace Matlab and the LMI toolbox in the Optim)



0 个回复

  • lzxec
    matlab中编程实现的线性最小二乘拟合函数: lzxec:功能:离散试验数据点的线性最小二乘拟合(matlab programming in a linear least-squares fitting function: lzxec: Function: discrete experimental data points, the linear least-squares fitting)
    2009-11-02 14:56:30下载
  • roughset
    ,在MATLAB环境下对 学生自主学习成绩决策表进行了求解,分析了该决策表的上近似集、下近似集、不可分辨关系、约简、核集、属性依赖度的概念,从而 在原始数据的基础上得出了条件属性与决策属性间的关系。 (The knowledge theory based on rough set can help to simplify the knowledge proceeded from originaldata. In the paper it intro- duces the rough set theory and its principle algorithms. MATLAB Rough SetToolbox is programmed to analyze the decision table of self-learn- ing system from students score database.The concepts such as the upper approximation, lower approximation, indiscernibility relation, reduc- tion, core set, and attribute-importance are analyzed based on the score database table.Thus, the relations between condition attributes and de- cision attributes of the score database are obtained on the basis of original data. )
    2009-05-22 19:08:35下载
  • Oguz_Ergin_iscturkey2008
    oğ uz ergin matlab nota kriptografi
    2013-10-23 03:13:27下载
  • link
    ofdm tutorial its a project report on ofdm using matlab
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  • DesignProjection
    该程序实现了压缩感知理论中采用矩阵的优化。在压缩感知理论中,要求采样矩阵与稀疏矩阵的相关性越低越好。该代码采用一种交替投影的方法实现采用矩阵的优化,有效降低其相关性。(The program to achieve the optimization of the use of matrix theory compressed sensing. Requirements of the sample matrix and sparse matrix theory of compressed sensing, the lower the better. The code uses an alternating projection method to achieve the optimization of the use of matrix to effectively reduce the correlation.)
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