首页 » matlab » Chap2二维电扫阵列.3


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  能够根据输入的阵列信息来计算对应阵列天线的方向图,对设计天线有一定的指导意义(It is possible to calculate the direction of the corresponding antenna array based on the input array information, which is of guiding significance to the design of the antenna.)


Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\9_1.fig, 6560088 , 2016-08-13
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\9_2.fig, 4744537 , 2016-08-13
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\beiyong.fig, 19423 , 2017-07-27
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\beiyong.m, 8503 , 2017-07-27
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\Compute_2D_AF.m, 902 , 2017-07-29
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\Compute_2D_AFquant.m, 1427 , 2017-07-29
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\Compute_2D_EP.m, 222 , 2016-08-12
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\Compute_2D_INTGAIN.m, 1089 , 2016-08-12
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\Compute_2D_PAT.m, 194 , 2016-08-12
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\GratingLobePlotter.m, 2225 , 2017-07-27
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\mccExcludedFiles.log, 1193 , 2017-07-29
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\OGLdpf.log, 0 , 2017-07-28
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\Pattern2D.m, 14911 , 2017-07-28
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\Phased_Array.exe, 927567 , 2017-07-29
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\Phased_Array.fig, 91747 , 2017-07-29
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\Phased_Array.m, 75571 , 2017-07-29
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\process_matrix.m, 256 , 2016-08-12
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\process_matrix2.m, 255 , 2016-08-12
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\readme.txt, 1515 , 2017-07-29
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\requiredMCRProducts.txt, 12 , 2017-07-29
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3\Taylor.m, 973 , 2017-07-27
Chap2二维电扫阵列.3, 0 , 2017-07-29



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