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飞机游戏资源-leidian (2)-飞行物-爱给网

于 2018-05-25 发布 文件大小:7134KB
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 2


  flash小游戏,打飞机,全部素材和源代码(Flash games, aircraft, all the material and source code.)


飞机游戏资源-leidian (2)-飞行物-角色,行走,立绘,头像-素材说明.txt, 391 , 2017-04-05
addbullet.gif, 7198 , 2017-04-05
background_1.gif, 28055 , 2017-04-05
bg.jpg, 30660 , 2017-04-05
blood.png, 24657 , 2017-04-05
blow.gif, 91994 , 2017-04-05
BossBullet.png, 3713 , 2017-04-05
boss_1.gif, 4508773 , 2017-04-05
boss_1.png, 635343 , 2017-04-05
boss_2.png, 310978 , 2017-04-05
epb_1.png, 10108 , 2017-04-05
ep_1.png, 22011 , 2017-04-05
ep_10.png, 17786 , 2017-04-05
ep_11.png, 21563 , 2017-04-05
ep_12.png, 22832 , 2017-04-05
ep_13.png, 31548 , 2017-04-05
ep_14.png, 15648 , 2017-04-05
ep_15.png, 32181 , 2017-04-05
ep_2.png, 24737 , 2017-04-05
ep_3.png, 27038 , 2017-04-05
ep_4.png, 22448 , 2017-04-05
ep_5.png, 17874 , 2017-04-05
ep_6.png, 21612 , 2017-04-05
ep_7.png, 18799 , 2017-04-05
ep_8.png, 19047 , 2017-04-05
ep_9.png, 16391 , 2017-04-05
js.png, 17991 , 2017-04-05
load.gif, 27214 , 2017-04-05
load.png, 767148 , 2017-04-05
load2.gif, 4754 , 2017-04-05
map.jpg, 578739 , 2017-04-05
myb_1.png, 6959 , 2017-04-05
myb_2.png, 7507 , 2017-04-05
myb_3.png, 7912 , 2017-04-05
my_1.png, 35780 , 2017-04-05
my_2.png, 38063 , 2017-04-05
solider.png, 5337 , 2017-04-05
warning.gif, 50751 , 2017-04-05
,行走,立绘,头像-素材免费下载.url, 61 , 2017-04-05
游戏2d素材库素材免费下载.url, 51 , 2017-04-05
爱给网-游戏2d素材库-免费下载.txt, 171 , 2017-04-05



0 个回复

  • llk
    自己用c写的一个在windows下运行的连连看游戏程序(They used to write c lianliankan game program running under windows.)
    2015-04-04 10:25:35下载
    Snake game is a very popular game.kids love it.
    2017-05-04 15:17:42下载
  • 新版贪吃蛇(可连网)
    用开发的新版贪吃蛇游戏,支持连网功能,并可由玩家选择主角的外观和食物的外观.(with the development of the new Snake games, support networking function, players can choose from the protagonist's appearance and the appearance of the food.)
    2005-07-23 19:42:44下载
  • 星辰桐人
    说明:  一个普通的小游戏,没有什么功能,就一个游戏(An ordinary little game, no function, just a garbage game.)
    2020-06-19 16:40:01下载
  • qn2.c
    说明:  千年2的脱机源代码,采用DLPHI编写。仅供参考(offline source code, adopted DLPHI prepared. Only reference)
    2006-04-28 10:14:14下载
  • Snake
    CPP写的一个贪蛇吃游戏。。。。。。。。。。。(CPP write a greedy snake eating game. . . . . . . . . . .)
    2013-07-15 19:49:48下载
  • tanchi
    这是一个贪吃蛇游戏的源程序,可通过控制蛇身的上下左右移动吃到食物后,蛇身增加,最后可输出成绩(This is a Snake game source code can be up and down by controlling the snake to eat the food and move around, the snake increases, the final output results)
    2010-11-29 13:32:23下载
  • StreetFighter
    这是一款HTML5实现的街头霸王游戏源码,游戏中可以操控人物各项技能,并且能实现大战电脑或双人对战,游戏中还附有背景音乐效果。此外这款游戏源码开放,是研究和学习HTML5游戏制作的极佳参考! 主机控制键: 移动: W: 上, D: 前, A: 后, S:下 攻击: J: 轻拳, K: 重拳, U: 轻腿, I: 重腿 特殊技能: 下→前→拳: 波动拳, 下→后→腿:旋风腿, 前→下→前→拳:升龙拳 副机(小键盘): 移动: ↑: 上, ←: 前, →: 后, ↓:下 攻击: 1: 轻拳, 2: 重拳, 4: 轻腿, 5: 重腿 特殊技能: 下→前→拳: 波动拳, 下→后→腿:旋风腿, 前→下→前→拳:升龙拳 其他: 按F2暂停游戏, 1键大战电脑ai, 2键双人对打.(This is a HTML5 implementation of the street overlord game source code, the game can manipulate the characters of the skills, and can achieve war computer or two pairs of war, the game is also accompanied by background music effect. In addition, this game source code open, is the research and learning HTML5 game production excellent reference!)
    2017-11-07 12:14:09下载
  • GreedySnake
    利用简单的数组、循环和条件结构,编写贪吃蛇游戏。(Using simple arrays, loops and conditional structures, preparation of Snake game.)
    2015-09-05 16:51:14下载
  • five
    五子棋的小程序,考虑了先手双三禁手的情况可以人和电脑,人和人,步数有统计,开始可以选择白旗或者黑棋(Gobang a small program, taking into account firstly the three pairs of hands can be cut and the computer, and the people, a few steps there are statistics, can choose to start a white flag or Black)
    2010-02-02 11:23:10下载
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