

于 2017-04-20 发布 文件大小:159KB
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  小楼抓图工具易语言源码,例程程序结合易语言位图操作支持库,直接使用了QQ的截图功能,调用API函数获取剪帖板中的图片数据,可以保存成JPG图片。(Xiaolou capture tool easy language source code , routine program combining easy language support library bitmap operations , the direct use of QQ screenshot function , call the API function to get the Clipboard plate image data can be saved as JPG picture .)



0 个回复

  • 944736
    MP3搜索工具源码程序,结合易语言扩展界面支持库实现MP3歌曲的搜索、下载、播放。(MP3 Search Tools source program, combined with easy language extension interface supports MP3 music library to search , download, play .)
    2017-09-14 09:56:50下载
  • 2694
    备份还原剪贴板源码,例程程序结合易语言特殊功能支持库,调用API函数实现备份还原剪贴板功能。(Backup and restore the clipboard source, routine program combined with special features easy language support library , call the API function backup and restore clipboard functions .)
    2016-05-24 15:52:58下载
  • jindutiao
    更改进度条颜色,可以学习学习...互相学习(Change the color of the progress bar, you can learn from ... learn from each other)
    2013-03-19 18:30:54下载
  • 37676
    仿QQ聊天源码例程,结合易语言扩展界面支持库,使用服务器和客户组件,模仿实现QQ的聊天界面功能。(Imitation QQ chat source code routines , combined with easy language support library expansion interface , the use of server and client components , mimicking achieve QQ chat interface features .)
    2017-05-16 17:56:00下载
  • gfdgdggsd
    立体空间圆柱型模块与代码 ,很不错的易语言源码,易爱好者可以下载使用(Three-dimensional cylindrical modules and code, very good source of easy language, easy to use fans can download)
    2011-10-19 08:35:33下载
  • 526910
    读取windows序列号源码,例程程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,调用API函数实现读取保存windows序列号。(Open windows to read the serial number , the routine extension program interface combined with easy language support library , call the API function to read saved windows serial number.)
    2017-11-09 18:40:03下载
  • 745426
    易语言获取QQ头像和群图标源码,结合易语言互联网支持库,提交URL地址读取网页内容。(Easy language acquisition QQ group picture and icon source, combined with easy language support library Internet , submit the URL to read the page content.)
    2018-01-13 12:47:39下载
  • 09135
    SC取超级权限源码例程,程序调用API函数实现进入SYSTEM超级权限。(SC to take root authority source code routines , the program calls API functions into the SYSTEM super powers .)
    2017-09-24 13:19:08下载
  • QQPocket
    用你的小钱包制作工具制作属于你自己的虚拟图片忽悠网友吧! (仅供娱乐,请勿用于商业用途!!!) 注册码请发送邮件至:shixushuaiwei@foxmail.com(Small wallet with your authoring tool for creating your own virtual image flicker friends now! (For entertainment purposes only, not for commercial purposes!!!) Registration code, please send an email to: shixushuaiwei@foxmail.com)
    2013-07-16 08:38:37下载
  • 41567
    查询话费欠费信息源码,例程结合易语言正则表达式支持库,调用API函数实现联通手机和固话小灵通欠费信息的查询。(Query the bill arrears source , easy language routines combined with regular expression support library , call the API function inquiry Unicom mobile phone and fixed-line PHS arrears information.)
    2017-03-09 21:05:36下载
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