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于 2010-08-31 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  数字控制系统是一种以数字计算机为控制器去控制具有连续工作状态的被控对象的闭环控制系统。因此,数字控制系统包括工作于离散状态下的数字计算机和工作于连续状态下的被控对象两大部分。我的课题的数字部分(PID)仿真由相应的离散传函实现,运用数字PID对被控对象实行准确控制。通过调节比例(P)、积分(I)、微分(D),使对象的输出达到预期的效果。(Digital control system is a kind of digital computer for the controller to control a continuous state of the object and closed loop control system. Therefore, the digital control system, including work on the discrete state of the digital computer and work in a continuous state of the plant is two parts. My topic of digital section (PID) simulation by the realization of the corresponding discrete transfer function using the digital PID control of the plant is implemented accurately. By adjusting the ratio of (P), integral (I), differential (D), so that the output of the object to achieve the desired results.)



0 个回复

  • manifoldlearning
    人工智能中流形学习的几种经典算法的合集,很不错(manifold learning algorithms in artificial intelligence)
    2010-09-26 21:04:35下载
  • embedded-lecture-01
    a good lecture for people who want to start working with embedded systems
    2013-12-12 04:01:56下载
  • 30965813pmsm
    PMSM operations inn matlab MDL files
    2012-05-22 11:39:06下载
  • fft
    产生不同频率、幅度的正弦波信号,叠加后,设计低通、带通滤波器进行正弦信号的谱分析及提取。(The sine wave signals with different frequencies and amplitudes are generated. After superposition, the low-pass and bandpass filters are designed for spectrum analysis and extraction of sinusoidal signals.)
    2018-05-05 23:14:34下载
  • cross&auto correlation
    说明:  该程序可以求得任意两个长度相同的离散信号的互相关系数以及自相关系数,并绘制其图像(The program can get the cross-correlation coefficient of any two discrete signals with the same length, and draw the image of the cross-correlation coefficient)
    2021-04-10 10:38:59下载
  • optimise
    这是一个求解曲线或者曲面最大值的matlab算法函数(This is a solution curve or a surface matlab algorithm for the maximum value of the function)
    2009-11-05 04:49:36下载
  • chengxu
    说明:  matlab编译的带有补偿的模糊神经网络程序(matlab compiled a fuzzy neural network with a compensation program)
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  • fisher
    matlab实现的模式识别的分类器:fisher 与bayes 分类器,实现男女性别的分类.(matlab implementation of the pattern recognition classifier: fisher and bayes classifier, to achieve gender classification.)
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  • three
    create a Christmas tree with string * , caling the function tree(x), x is a prime number!
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  • ZernikeWFSImages
    AOS公司提供的自适应光学相关泽尼克多项式代码,matlab(Adaptive optics related AOS Zernike polynomials code provided, matlab)
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