

于 2018-06-02 发布 文件大小:120KB
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  查找本机登入QQ号码昵称源码,例程结合易语言第三方支持库网络浏览框支持库,实现查找本机登入QQ的号码和昵称。(Find the machine nickname login QQ number source , routine combined with easy language support library of third-party Web browser frame support library that implements the look of the machine login QQ number and nickname.)



0 个回复

  • 26595
    千里马网络配置易语言源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库和应用接口支持库,实现局域网IP地址的自动配置。(Maxima network configuration easy language source code , the program combined with easy language support library expansion interface and application interface support library automatically configure the LAN IP address .)
    2017-11-21 14:48:25下载
  • 902957
    画板绘图与API绘图对比源码,例程程序结合易语言应用接口支持库,通过调用DLL文件实现了2种不同的方法绘制动态线效果。(Sketchpad drawing contrast graphics and API source , routine program application interfaces combined with easy language support library , by calling the DLL file implements the two kinds of different ways to draw a dynamic line effect .)
    2018-01-23 13:52:26下载
  • uiyuiye
    图片、文本文件预览框,很不错的易语言源码,易爱好者可以下载使用(Pictures, text file preview box, very good source of easy language, easy to use fans can download)
    2011-10-19 13:45:59下载
  • 932361
    显示超大图源码例程,程序调用API函数实现位图在内存中的操作,在易语言中应用后台画板和内存位图,无限快速缩放图片。(Large diagram display routine source code , the program calls API functions to achieve operational bitmap in memory , the application in the background in easy language and memory bitmap drawing board , unlimited fast zoom pictures .)
    2016-12-08 12:34:02下载
  • 429311
    录制GIF动画源码例程,应用易语言GIF动画全操作支持库提供的命令,在时钟控制下快照一定范围内的屏幕图象,然后加入到动画制作中。(GIF animation recording, code samples , GIF animation application easy to command language library provides full operational support , snapshots of screen images under a range of clock control , and then added to the animation production.)
    2017-11-29 20:22:23下载
  • 211477
    调用Google翻译源码程序,结合易语言模块新编码转换大全.ec,调用API函数实现网络请求发送接收功能。(Calls Google translation source program, combined with easy language modules of the new transcoding Daquan .ec, call the API function for network requests reception.)
    2016-09-17 16:51:07下载
  • Set-of-bytes-modify-replace
    可以对vb,易语言写的未加密软件破解,修改等。。。(Can vb, written in easy language unencrypted software crack, modification and so on. . .)
    2013-07-20 07:55:07下载
  • 08349
    系统服务程序源码,例程程序结合易语言特殊功能支持库,调用API函数实现系统服务程序的编写。(System service procedures, routine program combined with special features easy language support library , call the API function to prepare the system serviced.)
    2018-07-14 13:40:28下载
  • 624502
    内存清零杀进程源码,程序结合易语言系统核心支持库,实现了读取内存物理地址,然后结束进程的功能。(Source memory is cleared to kill the process , the program combined with easy language support library system kernel to achieve the physical address of the memory is read , and then the end of the function of the process.)
    2018-07-04 08:57:04下载
  • qa121066
    用易编写的小例子,效果:千里眼 v1.2易语言存在误报请谨慎下载(Easy to use to write a small example, effect: TeleEye v1.2 easy language in the presence of false positives carefully please download)
    2012-02-15 19:57:47下载
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