首页 » Visual C++ » MFC_student_mangager_system


于 2020-07-03 发布 文件大小:4075KB
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  学生信息管理系统,基于MFC的VC程序,对学生信息的增删改查,以及实现学生成绩信息的查询,可直接用可执行程序运行。(This is a system.)






0 个回复

  • BarriersH
    绘制vc做界面百叶窗源代码 做界面时有百叶窗效果的界面 点击文件就可以打开看到运行结果 主要是界面编程之内的 (Draw blinds vc source code interface to do)
    2013-08-11 16:06:05下载
  • 10086最终版
    说明:  这是一个利用东进语音卡实现10086系统的完整程序,基于MFC,使用语言是C++,该程序实现了与移动10086系统相似的功能。功能包括:拨号、欢迎语言、语言选择、验证、服务选择、消费查询、业务查询、密码修改、天气查询、人工服务等(This is a complete program to implement 10086 system by using Dongjin Voice Card. Based on MFC, the language is C++. The program achieves similar functions as mobile 10086 system. Functions include: dialing, welcome language, language selection, validation, service selection, consumption query, business query, password modification, weather query, manual service, etc.)
    2021-03-11 14:19:25下载
  • 12_22
    窗口编程,里面有三分代码,详细的公司管理系统,数据库和MFC设计(is is goog very good)
    2011-12-27 20:42:53下载
  • tyteFTP
    Enhancedlistcontrol增强的List控件(43KB)(Enhancedlistcontrol enhanced List controls (43KB))
    2018-10-21 05:36:34下载
  • exportlisttoexcel
    一个简单好用小程序,实现在VC对话框程序中,将列表控件中内容导入excel表,方便查看、打印等功能!(An easy to use applet import excel table in VC dialog box procedure, the contents of the list control for easy viewing, printing and other functions)
    2012-05-31 16:59:59下载
  • SkinMagic-Toolkit-2.21
    说明:  用于对话框皮肤的加载,还有皮肤加载的使用方法,其中有很多种皮肤,还有必要的文件(For the dialog box to load the skin, and skin to use to load, including a variety of skin, and the necessary documents)
    2011-03-27 12:14:00下载
  • ekph
    Read and write the registry with VB(The Read and write to the registry with VB)
    2017-06-12 10:15:46下载
  • filepath_mfc
    MFC中获得文件夹路径的方法,文中有源码有讲解,并在VC++6.0下运行通过。(MFC get the folder path method source code is explained in the text, and in the VC++6.0 run through.)
    2013-09-06 13:35:43下载
  • DanWeiZhuanHuan
    MFC基于对话框的小程序。可以实现长度、重量的单位转换。(MFC dialog-based applet. Can achieve the length and weight units conversion. )
    2010-05-31 18:30:35下载
  • Dialogbox_displayed_the_form_background_mageDlgUse
    在对话框窗体里显示背景图片VC实现 在对话框窗体里显示背景图片VC实现,一般我们可以选择两种方法:一种是使用图片控件,在WM_PAINT消息中绘图,本方法使用起来较简单,不过功能一般,不容易对图片进行控制;另一种方法是在WM_PAINT中绘图,本方法虽然复杂些,但可以做很多特殊处理如图片拉伸、图片反转等。要进一步了解具体的实现方法请下载本源代码 (In the dialog box displays a form where the background picture VC to achieve in the dialog box displays a form where the background picture VC achieved, in general we can choose two ways: one is to use the picture controls, in the WM_PAINT message in the drawing, this method is relatively simple to use , but the function of general, the picture is not easy to control Another way is to WM_PAINT in the drawing, although this method is more complicated, but it can do a lot of special treatment, such as drawing pictures, pictures, reverse, etc.. To learn more about the specific implementation method, download origin code)
    2010-03-11 10:22:09下载
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