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于 2008-01-11 发布 文件大小:768KB
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  Summary: The MPEG converter takes a MATLAB movie matrix and writes the movie to disk as an MPEG file. MATLAB Release: R12 Description: MPEG is an ISO standard movie encoding format. The MPEG converter for MATLAB takes a MATLAB movie matrix and writes the movie to disk as an MPEG file with file extension .mpg (MPGWRITE). It also takes an MPEG file and converts it into a MATLAB movie matrix (MPGREAD). (Summary: The MPEG converter takes a MATLAB movie matrix and writes the movie to disk as an MPEG file. MATLAB Release: R12 Description: MPEG is an ISO standard movie encoding format. The MPEG converter for MATLAB takes a MATLAB movie matrix and writes the movie to disk as an MPEG file with file extension. mpg (MPGWRITE). It also takes an MPEG file and converts it into a MATLAB movie matrix (MPGREAD).)



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  • insarmatlab
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  • lec4
    We prop ose d a simple relaxe d optimizatio n problem for finding the maxim um margin s ep­ ar ator when some of the examples may b e misclassified
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  • Algoritmo-Genetico
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  • High-quality-CPP-programming-guide
    本书是《高质量c++编程指南》,林锐博士著,针对编程过程中可能会遇到的若干容易被忽略的问题进行了分析。(This book is "high-quality c++ Programming Guide" Dr. Lin Rui book for several problems easily overlooked programming process may encounter analyzed.)
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