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于 2021-04-27 发布 文件大小:1055KB
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  在MATLAB下的图像处理程序,通过对pcb参数的设定,对比图片,将pcb电路板的缺陷检测出来(In the MATLAB image processing procedures, through the PCB parameter settings, contrast images, the PCB circuit board defect detection )



0 个回复

  • 15-05-0114-00-004a-ieee802-15-4a-channel-model-mat
    说明:  WPAN国际标准IEEE802.15发布的信道模型的MATLAB源码。包括几种室内和室外模型。都是基于改进的SV模型。应用在短距离超宽带UWB无线通信中。 (WPAN IEEE802.15 international standards issued by the channel model of MATLAB source. Several, including indoor and outdoor models. Improvements are based on the SV models. Application short distance UWB UWB wireless communications.)
    2006-01-08 12:56:03下载
  • silding-mode-invented-algeorithm-of-a-invented-pen
    续上一个程序的控制算法代码,非线性滑模变结构控制方法的程序,调试运行正确。(continuation of a process control algorithm code, nonlinear SMVSC control procedures, debugging and running correctly.)
    2007-05-23 13:53:49下载
  • intrapersonal
    This is a matlab function that help you to compare some personal images and detect the age difference between two subjects
    2014-09-05 02:47:08下载
  • signal_source
    说明:  数字通信调制信号模拟系统中常见通信信号的信号源(Digital communication modulation signal simulation system common source of communication signals)
    2010-04-26 23:52:46下载
  • GUI1
    可以进行离散信号与连续信号的卷积演示的界面,包括各种信号的演算,可展示结果。(Can be discrete convolution signal with a continuous signal interface presentation, including the calculation of various signals, display the results.)
    2011-09-27 15:21:29下载
  • process
    模拟从二维余弦 到量化 到分割 到Z处理的过程(simulate the process of dct quantization divide and zigzag the inverse process)
    2010-06-24 15:11:14下载
  • ML
    说明:  换句话说,信号可能仍然是 探测到,但以较低的质量。这是通常所说 对软失败。幸运的是,新的传输的多样性 方案提供了相同软失败。对(one of the receive chains fail, and the other receive chain is operational, then the performance loss is on the order of the diversity gain. In other words, the signal may still be detected, but with inferior quality. This is commonly referred to as soft failure. Fortunately, the new transmit diversity scheme provides the same soft failure. To)
    2011-05-28 14:30:02下载
  • double_pendulum_documentation
    double_pendulum_documentation paper about it
    2014-01-25 15:47:59下载
  • arima_test
    arima代码具体实现 包括平稳性检验 差分 以及预测 数据不在压缩包中 使用者可根据自身情况使用(The specific implementation of the ARIMA code includes the stationary test difference and prediction. Data is not used in compressed packets, users can use them according to their own circumstances.)
    2021-01-01 19:58:58下载
  • C06001787
    滑模变结构控制的MATLAB程序一书的程序,希望对大家有用!(Sliding mode control process of the book MATLAB program, we want to be useful!)
    2010-06-25 10:12:04下载
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