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于 2021-01-07 发布 文件大小:22KB
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  仿真算法 1)PV光伏电池模型采用工程实用C1C2数学模型; 2)采用基于占空比扰动的PO扰动观察法实现MPPT最大功率跟踪; 3)采用信号发生器和开关自由组合,实现4种工作模式:模式1,温度固定,光照固定;模式2,温度固定,光照突变;模式3,温度突变,光照固定;模式4,温度突变,光照突变; 4)跟踪效果良好,能够适应环境变化; 5)各个模块功能明确,方便学习和理解。(Simulation algorithm 1) The practical engineering C1C2 mathematical model is adopted in the PV photovoltaic cell model. 2) The maximum power tracking of MPPT is realized by using the PO perturbation observation method based on duty cycle perturbation. 3) The signal generator and switch are combined freely to realize four working modes: mode 1, temperature fixing and light fixing; mode 2, temperature fixing and light mutation; mode 3, temperature mutation and light fixing; mode 4, temperature mutation and light mutation; 4) The tracking effect is good and can adapt to environmental changes. 5) The functions of each module are clear and easy to learn and understand.)


PV_MPPT_boost_D_PO_2015rb.mdl, 125385 , 2019-01-07



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