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于 2017-10-23 发布 文件大小:8KB
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  PAPR of OFDM in Simulation





0 个回复

  • tuoyuanquxian
    说明:  关于椭圆算法的,比较通俗易懂,供初学者用(Algorithm on the elliptical, more user-friendly for beginners with)
    2008-11-24 00:17:52下载
  • matched_filter1
    次程序用来仿真线性调频脉冲下的一维距离像,可以对比压缩前后的目标回波信号(Second program is used to simulate the next chirp like a one-dimensional distance, you can compare before and after the target echo signal compression)
    2011-11-24 10:36:11下载
  • antenday
    Chuong trinh ve do thi buc xa cua anten day va anten mang (theo dang 2D va 3D)
    2013-01-06 14:27:40下载
  • Modbus 主站读写
    Modbus 主站读写程序,主要用于工业控制领域通讯链接使用。(Modbus main station reader and writer program)
    2020-06-30 08:00:01下载
  • vrex
    S60官方视屏播放器程序,可以装到手机上运行,但是在模拟器上运行会出问题。据说是因为视屏播放服务器的内核有问题,不能在模拟器上用。本人手机上测试成功。(S60 official video player program can be installed to run on mobile phones, but will run in the simulator problems. It is said that is because the screen play of the core server has problems, should not use the simulator. I test the success of mobile phones.)
    2008-07-01 17:27:15下载
  • doa-tools-master
    说明:  所有有关DOA估计的程序和代码,相当于一个完整的工具箱(All programs and codes related to DOA estimation are equivalent to a complete toolbox.)
    2020-12-04 20:19:23下载
  • NFDMcpdeOFDM
    802 11a OFDM MATLAB simulation code! (recommended)
    2019-03-26 06:01:26下载
  • TD_SCDMA-Repeater-Application
    TD_SCDMA 直放站应用与分析,希望对大家有用(TD_SCDMA repeater applications and analysis, we hope to be useful)
    2011-04-25 21:58:14下载
  • 6
    说明:  6. 在三条径的瑞利信道中,对于OFDM: (1) 请设计一种具体的导引辅助的信道估计方法,用Simulink进行仿真。画出比特信噪比与信道估计均方误差的关系曲线和比特信噪比与误码率的关系曲线。 (2) 设频率已同步,请设计OFDM一种具体的采用循环前缀进行时间同步方法,用Simulink进行仿真,画出比特信噪比与捕获概率的关系曲线。 (3) 设时间已同步,请设计OFDM一种具体的采用循环前缀进行频率同步方法,用Simulink进行仿真,画出比特信噪比与频率同步误差的关系曲线。(6. In the three-path Rayleigh channel, for OFDM: (1) please design a specific navigation-assisted channel estimation method and use Simulink for simulation.The relation curves of bit signal-noise ratio and channel estimation mean square error and the relation curves of bit signal-noise ratio and bit error rate are drawn. (2) if the frequency has been synchronized, please design a specific method of time synchronization using cyclic prefix in OFDM. Simulink is used for simulation to draw the relationship curve between bit-snr and acquisition probability. (3) if time has been synchronized, please design a specific method of frequency synchronization using cyclic prefix in OFDM. Simulink is used for simulation to draw the relationship curve between bit signal-to-noise ratio and frequency synchronization error.)
    2021-01-23 11:58:44下载
  • ofdms
    说明:  ofdm system 1. applyOFDMChannel 2. calculateOFDMBER 3. generateOFDMSignal 4. getOFDMPreambleAndPilot 5. OFDMReceiver 6. OFDMSynchronizationExample 7. OFDMTransmitter 8. processOFDMScopes 9. receiveOFDMSignal
    2019-05-31 15:10:31下载
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