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于 2016-05-07 发布 文件大小:250KB
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  这个工具是一个利用phpmyadmin来破解mysql数据库密码的工具。 可以是字典或是暴力破解都可以。 mysql数据库用户名可自定义(This tool is a use of phpMyAdmin to crack MySQL password tool. It can be either a dictionary or a brute force. Mysql user name can be customized)



0 个回复

  • fmqi
    编程菜鸟学习用的蜂鸣器播放八月桂花香声音(Programming rookie learning the buzzer with sound playback 八月桂花香)
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  • 12
    说明:  本系统以单片机AT89C51为主体,由芯片插座、独立按键、74HC573驱动8位数码管显示、5V直流电源控制模块等组成。根据数字集成芯片的引脚特性以及集成芯片的真值表编写检测程序。该系统能完成14脚以内常用TTL74系列数字集成芯片的功能测试。(This system is the main body of the single-chip microcomputer AT89C51, the chip socket, independent buttons, 74HC573 Driver 8 digital control, 5V DC power control module and so on. According to the characteristics of the digital chip and the chip s true value, the program is written in the chip.. The system can complete the functional test of the TTL74 series digital IC chip in 14 feet.)
    2015-05-25 18:16:58下载
  • fanyingyi
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  • asp
    大概意思就是当有人中QQ木马时会自动与此页面通信,并将受害者二次输入的QQ信息在当前目录下以以下形式存入一个命名为2008jhqqxx.txt的文档里,   QQ号---QQ密码---会员:是否---QQ登陆IP---具体时间   可见QQ木马是很强大的。(Probably mean is when someone QQ Trojan will automatically communicate with this page, and the victims of the second input QQ information in the current directory to the following form deposited in a naming 2008jhqqxx.txt documents, QQ number--- the QQ password--- Member: whether--- QQ landing IP--- specific time visible QQ Trojan is very powerful.)
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