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于 2021-04-19 发布 文件大小:31KB
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  二极管钳位式三电平逆变器 毕业设计的时候搭的(Diode clamped three-level inverter graduation time ride)





0 个回复

  • byxxmane
    毕业生信息管理系统,包括对毕业生的成绩管理,还有毕业设计管理,还可以对老师留言,可以分为管理端,学生端,教师端。(Graduate information management system, including performance management graduates, and graduate design management, teachers can also leave a message, can be divided into the management end, students end, teachers end.)
    2016-09-01 18:02:55下载
  • gaokaoluru
    VFP编写的高考分数录入程序,是学习vfp的好助手,(failed to translate)
    2012-02-25 16:14:28下载
  • ocjp
    最新版ocjp考试题库,考试包过,适合所有人(The latest version ocjp exam, exam package too, for everyone)
    2014-02-25 09:14:20下载
  • system
    实现迷你图书馆管理系统,用的是VS和SQLServer2005设计的(Achieve mini library management system, using the design of VS and SQLServer2005)
    2013-11-19 20:27:44下载
  • system_VB
    用Visual Basic编写的简易学籍管理系统程序,包含访问数据库、数据控件使用、图片显示、多窗体编程等技术的运用,可以实现对数据库的查询、添加记录、删除记录等功能(School enrollment management system written in Visual Basic , including access to the database, data control to use, picture display, multi-form programming.It can query the database, add records, delete records along with other functions)
    2011-06-20 11:00:57下载
  • bylw
    根据使用本平台的对象,系统把用户列为四类:信息管理员、院系管理员、教师、在校学生。根据身份不同,功能也有所相同。 (According to the object of this platform, as a user of the system in four categories: information manager, department administrators, teachers, students. Depending on the status, functions have also been the same.)
    2016-04-18 09:33:05下载
  • Student-Course-Management-System
    这是利用C#开发的一套学生课程管理系统,内有详细的程序代码,以及很多说明,希望对大家有用。(This is the use of C# development of a student course management system, which has a detailed code, and many shows, we want to be useful.)
    2010-05-28 15:55:58下载
  • vblibaryoperationcwal
    VB图书管理系统还可以用下虽然不是特别的复杂但还是花了些心思(VB library management system can also use the next, though not particularly complex but still spent some thoughts)
    2007-11-12 13:23:51下载
  • homework
    简单的信息管理系统,可以实现学生信息的添加,删除 (good)
    2020-07-03 06:40:02下载
  • sdkkts
    //需求分析:写一个成绩管理系统。其中的一个功能是实现成绩录入。要求能根据课程名称在系统里找到学生和课程信息;在结果区域中添加成绩。 //规则:要求对输入成绩的操作要有有效性检验。成绩只接受大于0且小于100的数字;同一记录不能反复提交;当点击“提交”,告知用户操作是否成功,并给出相应信息;课程名下拉列表中的课程列表根据数据库中的课程表,自动生成。 (/ / Demand analysis: to write a performance management system. A function is to achieve results entry. Requirements depending on the course name to find the students and course information in the system results added in the results area. / / Rules: to have a validation of the operation of the input results. Results will only accept greater than 0 and less than 100 figures the same record can not be repeatedly submitted When you click on "Submit" to inform the user whether the operation successfully, and gives the appropriate information list of courses under the course name in the drop-down list in the database curriculum, automatically generated.)
    2012-04-16 16:10:35下载
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