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于 2017-11-30 发布 文件大小:9KB
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  对滚动轴承声发射信号进行处理,运用基于正交小波基连续小波变换,寻找最优尺度参数(you can know the functions that finds the best scale in the CWT coefficients or the way how you can do this.)


CWT\CWT$Morlet.class, 1417, 2009-09-25
CWT\CWT$Numerics.class, 1999, 2009-09-25
CWT\CWT.class, 8636, 2009-09-25
CWT\example.m, 1037, 2008-12-16
CWT\exampleFreq.m, 936, 2008-12-16
license.txt, 1307, 2014-02-12



0 个回复

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