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TP Texture

于 2019-06-24 发布 文件大小:13332KB
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  tp texture for try upload object in c



0 个回复

  • 1
    说明:  WinSock网络编程实用宝典。适合初学者以及深入理解网络编程的朋友。(WinSock network programming practical Collection. Suitable for beginners as well as in-depth understanding of network programming friends.)
    2011-07-04 17:38:27下载
  • Scene
    Visual C++结合OpenGL做的一个3D场景。其中包含地形生成,场景漫游,碰撞检测,场景中模拟了河流,跳跃的鱼,喷泉,树木,水草,房屋,塔楼,楼梯,飘动的旗帜等等。第一人称视角,可以跳跃行走碰撞检测,模拟了白天黑夜等等!(Visual C++ with OpenGL to do a 3D scene. Which contains the terrain generation, scene roaming, collision detection, simulation of the river scene, jumping fish, fountains, trees, plants, houses, towers, stairs, waving flags and so on. First-person perspective, you can skip walking collision detection, simulation of the day and night, and more!)
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  • 58296017YanErDownloader
    断点续传 http download ftp mfc(http download download download )
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  • ProgrammindowswithMFCSecdition_Hendoone
    Programming Windows with MFC by Jeff Prosise, Jeff Prosise. The production of this book required the efforts of many people, but two in particular deserve to be singled out for their diligent, sustained, and unselfish efforts. Sally Stickney, the book s principal editor, navigated me through that minefield called the English language and contributed greatly to the book s readability.
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    说明:  multiple hyperlinks with syntax highlighting for edit control.
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  • Demo
    在对话框中加载菜单,VC++精选编程源码,很好的参考。(In the dialog box to load the menu, select VC++ programming source code, a good reference.)
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    拥有强大的后台管理功能,管理界面清爽美观,代码干净简洁!各大搜索引擎收录良好!程序还带有防SQL注入及跨站攻击功能,后台实现:网站初始设置、网站公告管理、网站SEO优化管理、站点广告管理、服务器信息探测(Has a strong background in management, management interface beautiful fresh, clean and simple code! Good record in major search engines! Procedures with anti-SQL injection attacks and cross-site capabilities, the background to achieve: the initial Web site settings, site notice management, website SEO optimization management, advertising management site, the server information to detect)
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