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于 2021-04-13 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  运行emd,得到输入信号X的固有模态函数(imf),每列代表着信号X的一阶分量,X就是我们采集的信号。 hhtdn是hht去噪的程序,可以不看,仅看emd 和 findpeaks wvtdn是wavelet去噪程序,如果只是分解信号,仅用下面的语句即可 [C,L] = wavedec(x_noise,dl,wn); x_noise就是我们采集的信号,dl是分解的阶数,wn是分解的母小波名称(% Empiricial Mode Decomposition (Hilbert-Huang Transform) % imf = emd(x) % Func : findpeaks)


decomposition\emd.m, 862, 2014-11-12
decomposition\emd_1.m, 382, 2017-11-30
decomposition\findpeaks.m, 146, 2014-11-11
decomposition\hhtdn.m, 440, 2015-06-05
decomposition\wvtdn.m, 268, 2015-06-08
decomposition\说明.txt, 308, 2017-11-16



0 个回复

  • xinhaochuli
    信号处理小波分析 1)计算信号的小波变换。 2)求出模极大曲线。 3)计算其中两个奇异点的Lipschitz指数。 (Signal processing wavelet analysis 1) the calculation of wavelet transform signals. 2) calculated curve of modulus maxima. 3) the calculation of which two singular points of Lipschitz index.)
    2021-01-29 12:58:40下载
  • jubunengliang
    表面肌电信号的小波包局部能量分解柱状图,提取特征能量(Local energy of the surface EMG wavelet packet decomposition histogram feature extraction energy)
    2020-06-30 05:40:02下载
  • xiaobo_shipin
    对仿真信号进行复morlet小波变换后,绘制的时频图。(After the simulated signal multiplexing morlet wavelet transform, time-frequency diagram drawn.)
    2020-11-06 09:39:50下载
  • 02
    说明:  2.1 傅里叶变换 2.1.1 经典傅里叶变换 2.1.2 傅里叶变换的基本性质 2.1.3 快速傅里叶变换 2.1.4 短时傅里叶变换 2.2 小波分析与多分辨率分析的历史 2.3 小波分析与傅里叶变换的对比 2.4 小波变换 2.4.1 连续小波变换 2.4.2 离散小波变换 2.4.3 高维小波连续变换 2.5 常用小波基函数 2.5.1 小波函数 2.5.2 小波函数系 2.5.3 复数小波 2.6 构造紧支撑正常小波基 2.7 多分辨率分析与小波构造 2.8 分析小波包 2.8.1 小波包的定义及性质 2.8.2 分解小波包的空间 2.8.3 小波包算法(2.1 Fourier transform 2.1.1 classical Fourier transform 2.1.2 The basic properties of the Fourier transform 2.1.3 Fast Fourier Transform 2.1.4 short time Fourier transform 2.2 wavelet analysis and multi-resolution analysis of the history of 2.3 Wavelet Analysis and comparison of the Fourier transform 2.4 Wavelet Transform 2.4.1 Continuous Wavelet Transform 2.4.2 Discrete Wavelet Transform 2.4.3 Continuous high-dimensional wavelet transform 2.5 Common wavelet basis function 2.5.1 wavelet function 2.5.2 Department of wavelet function 2.5.3 Complex Wavelet 2.6 Construction of compactly supported wavelets normal More than 2.7 resolution analysis and wavelet construction 2.8 Analysis of Wavelet Packet 2.8.1 Definition and properties of wavelet packet 2.8.2 wavelet packet decomposition space 2.8.3 Wavelet Packet Algorithm)
    2013-10-19 16:34:13下载
  • ConjugateGradient
    说明:  小波标架的共轭梯度算法(Mallat,信号处理的小波导引)(Conjugate gradient algorithm for computing daul function.)
    2021-04-13 22:58:55下载
  • wave
    用于进行小波变换,对原始的光谱图像数据进行预处理(Used wavelet transform, the original spectral image data preprocessing)
    2014-01-07 22:55:01下载
  • CMU-CS
    很好的ica算法,计算ica时候用到,很好参考价值,卡内基学院用的程序(Good ica algorithm to calculate ica when used, a good reference value, the Carnegie Institute program)
    2012-11-02 19:11:53下载
  • 包分解和介绍的PPT wavelet-packet-decomposition-
    有关小波包分解和介绍的PPT,适合于初学者快速掌握小波包分解相关问题。(the PPT of wavelet packet decomposition and the introduction , suitable for beginners to quickly master the wavelet packet decomposition.)
    2020-06-28 11:00:02下载
  • yuanma
    对于PCA ,LDA,BIC,EBGM都有很详细的代码。但是需要在LINUX下配置运行。不过代码较有参考价值。(For PCA, LDA, BIC, EBGM have a very detailed code. But the need to configure to run under LINUX. However, a more useful code.)
    2009-04-09 12:55:48下载
  • beamforming_SL4
    利用CVX进行优化,得到期望加权矢量,从而的得到需要的波束形成(CVX using optimized to give the desired beamforming)
    2020-07-01 09:20:07下载
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