首页 » Python » 结合HanLP提供的针对机构名的HMM语料 hmm_ner_organization-master

结合HanLP提供的针对机构名的HMM语料 hmm_ner_organization-master

于 2020-06-25 发布 文件大小:121KB
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  结合HanLP提供的针对机构名的HMM语料,实现了基于HMM模型的机构名实体识别算法。(Implementing Code Extraction of Institution Names with HMM)


hmm_ner_organization-master, 0 , 2019-06-22
hmm_ner_organization-master\.idea, 0 , 2019-06-22
hmm_ner_organization-master\.idea\hmm_ner_organization-master.iml, 408 , 2019-06-21
hmm_ner_organization-master\.idea\misc.xml, 294 , 2019-06-21
hmm_ner_organization-master\.idea\modules.xml, 313 , 2019-06-21
hmm_ner_organization-master\.idea\workspace.xml, 11362 , 2019-06-22
hmm_ner_organization-master\data, 0 , 2018-06-06
hmm_ner_organization-master\data\nt.pattern.txt, 14381 , 2018-06-06
hmm_ner_organization-master\data\nt.tr.txt, 888 , 2018-06-06
hmm_ner_organization-master\data\nt.txt, 262312 , 2018-06-06
hmm_ner_organization-master\generate_datas.py, 4531 , 2019-06-22
hmm_ner_organization-master\generate_datas.py.bak, 4321 , 2019-06-21
hmm_ner_organization-master\OrgRecognize.py, 6554 , 2019-06-21
hmm_ner_organization-master\OrgRecognize.py.bak, 6422 , 2019-06-21
hmm_ner_organization-master\README.md, 1646 , 2018-06-06



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