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多目标粒子群算法 MOPSO

于 2020-06-25 发布 文件大小:8KB
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  多目标粒子群算法,求解多目标问题的经典的算法之一(multi-object PSO, one of the classical algorithms for solving multi-objective problems)


MOPSO\CreateGrid.m, 873 , 2015-08-28
MOPSO\DeleteOneRepMemebr.m, 1115 , 2015-08-28
MOPSO\DetermineDomination.m, 837 , 2015-08-28
MOPSO\Dominates.m, 557 , 2015-08-28
MOPSO\FindGridIndex.m, 969 , 2015-08-28
MOPSO\license.txt, 1350 , 2015-08-23
MOPSO\main.m, 397 , 2015-08-28
MOPSO\MOP2.m, 546 , 2015-08-28
MOPSO\MOP4.m, 577 , 2015-08-28
MOPSO\mopso.m, 4708 , 2015-10-21
MOPSO\Mutate.m, 700 , 2015-08-28
MOPSO\PlotCosts.m, 706 , 2015-08-28
MOPSO\RouletteWheelSelection.m, 506 , 2015-08-28
MOPSO\SelectLeader.m, 1099 , 2015-08-28
MOPSO\ZDT.m, 562 , 2015-10-21
MOPSO, 0 , 2019-07-15



0 个回复

  • DistProbCoefsDesc
    This is a simple matlab routine that calculates a simulated multiplicative cascade process for a time series, then compares it with a real time series you want to analyze, and plots them both in log-log coordinates to compare them. You should have your time series in a format of double column listing: the ordinal member in the first column, the corresponding data in the second one. Then you change the file name that appears in the program for the name of your own file, and proceed.
    2009-10-17 03:59:02下载
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