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  使用python进行信号EMD分析,然后LSTM输入信号特征,然后分类(The signal EMD is analyzed by python, then LSTM input signal characteristics are classified.)


EMD\code\.idea\code.iml, 455 , 2019-07-03
EMD\code\.idea\misc.xml, 292 , 2019-07-03
EMD\code\.idea\modules.xml, 260 , 2019-07-03
EMD\code\.idea\workspace.xml, 14225 , 2019-07-17
EMD\code\1111111.xls, 3307008 , 2019-07-11
EMD\code\boxcox.jpg, 2571 , 2019-07-15
EMD\code\creat_data.py, 4196 , 2019-07-01
EMD\code\data\B007_3.csv, 22297370 , 2019-06-11
EMD\code\data\B014_3.csv, 22286083 , 2019-06-11
EMD\code\data\B021_3.csv, 22179122 , 2019-06-11
EMD\code\data\example5.csv, 1755 , 2019-07-11
EMD\code\data\example8001.m, 695 , 2019-07-12
EMD\code\data\IR007_3.csv, 22027359 , 2019-06-11
EMD\code\data\IR014_3.csv, 21035756 , 2019-06-11
EMD\code\data\IR021_3.csv, 22128093 , 2019-06-11
EMD\code\data\Normal_3.csv, 22379734 , 2019-06-11
EMD\code\data\OR007@6_3.csv, 20936395 , 2019-06-11
EMD\code\data\OR014@6_3.csv, 22357171 , 2019-06-11
EMD\code\data\OR021@6_3.csv, 21335519 , 2019-06-11
EMD\code\emd_energy_traintest.py, 2663 , 2019-07-03
EMD\code\example5.csv, 2587 , 2019-07-15
EMD\code\lambda.py, 1159 , 2019-07-15
EMD\code\my_emd.py, 4099 , 2019-07-03
EMD\code\show_emd_entropy.py, 4698 , 2019-07-04
EMD\code\show_emd_entropy01.png, 41966 , 2019-07-03
EMD\code\show_emd_sample_entropy.py, 3026 , 2019-07-03
EMD\code\show_emd_sample_entropy01.png, 38928 , 2019-07-03
EMD\code\show_kpca.py, 3735 , 2019-07-03
EMD\code\untitled1.py, 385 , 2019-07-03
EMD\code\untitled2.py, 1959 , 2019-07-03
EMD\code\utils.py, 4900 , 2019-07-03
EMD\code\__pycache__\my_emd.cpython-35.pyc, 2396 , 2019-06-20
EMD\code\__pycache__\my_emd.cpython-36.pyc, 2357 , 2019-07-03
EMD\code\__pycache__\utils.cpython-35.pyc, 4012 , 2019-07-01
EMD\code\__pycache__\utils.cpython-36.pyc, 3835 , 2019-07-03
EMD\model\data_process.py, 1691 , 2019-06-23
EMD\model\emd_process.py, 162 , 2019-06-13
EMD\model\main_train.py, 2168 , 2019-06-23
EMD\model\mat_transform_csv.py, 923 , 2019-06-17
EMD\model\multi_lstm_class.py, 2699 , 2019-06-23
EMD\model\__init__.py, 275 , 2019-06-11
EMD\model\__pycache__\data_process.cpython-36.pyc, 1405 , 2019-06-17
EMD\model\__pycache__\multi_lstm_class.cpython-36.pyc, 2647 , 2019-06-17
EMD\code\.idea\inspectionProfiles, 0 , 2019-07-10
EMD\code\.idea, 0 , 2019-07-17
EMD\code\data, 0 , 2019-07-12
EMD\code\__pycache__, 0 , 2019-07-03
EMD\model\__pycache__, 0 , 2019-07-03
EMD\code, 0 , 2019-07-15
EMD\model, 0 , 2019-07-03
EMD, 0 , 2019-07-03



0 个回复

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