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  matpowe4.1 Open source software, no modified version downloaded from the official website, different matpower may not apply with each other program


matpower4.1, 0 , 2017-09-11
matpower4.1\@opf_model, 0 , 2017-09-11
matpower4.1\@opf_model\add_constraints.m, 4745 , 2010-06-09
matpower4.1\@opf_model\add_costs.m, 5694 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\@opf_model\add_vars.m, 3076 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\@opf_model\build_cost_params.m, 4368 , 2011-12-02
matpower4.1\@opf_model\compute_cost.m, 4061 , 2011-12-02
matpower4.1\@opf_model\display.m, 3959 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\@opf_model\get.m, 1657 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\@opf_model\getN.m, 2405 , 2010-06-09
matpower4.1\@opf_model\getv.m, 2221 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\@opf_model\get_cost_params.m, 2740 , 2011-12-02
matpower4.1\@opf_model\get_idx.m, 3012 , 2010-06-09
matpower4.1\@opf_model\get_mpc.m, 1450 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\@opf_model\linear_constraints.m, 2945 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\@opf_model\opf_model.m, 8294 , 2010-06-09
matpower4.1\@opf_model\userdata.m, 2149 , 2010-05-05
matpower4.1\add_userfcn.m, 6175 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\bustypes.m, 2998 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\case118.m, 32633 , 2010-03-11
matpower4.1\case14.m, 4521 , 2010-03-11
matpower4.1\case2383wp.m, 340794 , 2010-03-11
matpower4.1\case24_ieee_rts.m, 8708 , 2010-03-11
matpower4.1\case2736sp.m, 717636 , 2010-03-11
matpower4.1\case2737sop.m, 715220 , 2010-03-11
matpower4.1\case2746wop.m, 732898 , 2010-03-11
matpower4.1\case2746wp.m, 736274 , 2010-03-11
matpower4.1\case30.m, 5119 , 2010-03-11
matpower4.1\case300.m, 68081 , 2010-03-11
matpower4.1\case3012wp.m, 423381 , 2011-10-31
matpower4.1\case30pwl.m, 4507 , 2010-03-11
matpower4.1\case30Q.m, 4540 , 2010-03-11
matpower4.1\case3120sp.m, 390438 , 2011-10-31
matpower4.1\case3375wp.m, 487140 , 2011-10-31
matpower4.1\case39.m, 9719 , 2010-03-11
matpower4.1\case4gs.m, 1333 , 2010-03-11
matpower4.1\case57.m, 13222 , 2010-03-11
matpower4.1\case6ww.m, 2035 , 2010-03-11
matpower4.1\case9.m, 1923 , 2010-03-11
matpower4.1\case9Q.m, 2015 , 2010-03-11
matpower4.1\caseformat.m, 8780 , 2010-05-27
matpower4.1\case_ieee30.m, 7587 , 2010-03-12
matpower4.1\cdf2matp.m, 12475 , 2011-12-02
matpower4.1\compare_case.m, 6670 , 2011-07-26
matpower4.1\Contents.m, 1687 , 2011-12-15
matpower4.1\copf_solver.m, 9631 , 2011-06-17
matpower4.1\COPYING, 35147 , 2010-04-19
matpower4.1\cplex_options.m, 11841 , 2011-09-16
matpower4.1\d2AIbr_dV2.m, 3495 , 2010-11-17
matpower4.1\d2ASbr_dV2.m, 3559 , 2010-11-17
matpower4.1\d2Ibr_dV2.m, 2772 , 2010-11-17
matpower4.1\d2Sbr_dV2.m, 3140 , 2010-11-17
matpower4.1\d2Sbus_dV2.m, 2992 , 2010-11-17
matpower4.1\dAbr_dV.m, 4520 , 2010-11-17
matpower4.1\dcopf.m, 1701 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\dcopf_solver.m, 10271 , 2011-11-11
matpower4.1\dcpf.m, 2098 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\define_constants.m, 3595 , 2011-12-02
matpower4.1\dIbr_dV.m, 3477 , 2010-11-17
matpower4.1\docs, 0 , 2017-09-11
matpower4.1\docs\CHANGES, 52529 , 2011-12-15
matpower4.1\docs\CHANGES.txt, 53898 , 2011-12-15
matpower4.1\docs\manual.pdf, 1039287 , 2011-12-15
matpower4.1\docs\TN1-OPF-Auctions.pdf, 322967 , 2010-04-06
matpower4.1\docs\TN2-OPF-Derivatives.pdf, 335521 , 2010-04-06
matpower4.1\dSbr_dV.m, 5911 , 2010-11-17
matpower4.1\dSbus_dV.m, 3806 , 2010-11-17
matpower4.1\e2i_data.m, 4277 , 2011-11-10
matpower4.1\e2i_field.m, 3158 , 2011-11-10
matpower4.1\ext2int.m, 11714 , 2011-11-10
matpower4.1\extras, 0 , 2017-09-11
matpower4.1\extras\cpf, 0 , 2017-09-11
matpower4.1\extras\cpf\case6bus.m, 1620 , 2010-04-19
matpower4.1\extras\cpf\cpf.m, 12684 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\cpf\cpf_correctLambda.m, 5826 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\cpf\cpf_correctVoltage.m, 2389 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\cpf\cpf_intro.pdf, 247500 , 2010-04-20
matpower4.1\extras\cpf\cpf_predict.m, 3687 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\cpf\drawPVcurves.m, 3266 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\cpf\test_cpf.m, 2030 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\psse2matpower, 35393 , 2010-07-24
matpower4.1\extras\se, 0 , 2017-09-11
matpower4.1\extras\se\case3bus_P6_6.m, 1615 , 2010-04-19
matpower4.1\extras\se\checkDataIntegrity.m, 8189 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\se\doSE.m, 6493 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\se\getV0.m, 2799 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\se\getVarName.m, 1798 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\se\isobservable.m, 3417 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\se\outputpfsoln.m, 6237 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\se\outputsesoln.m, 3446 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\se\run_se.m, 3243 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\se\se_intro.pdf, 262324 , 2010-04-20
matpower4.1\extras\se\test_se.m, 2586 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\se\test_se_14bus.m, 3018 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\se\test_se_14bus_err.m, 3053 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\smartmarket, 0 , 2017-09-11
matpower4.1\extras\smartmarket\auction.m, 12390 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\smartmarket\case2off.m, 3271 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\smartmarket\idx_disp.m, 2317 , 2010-04-27
matpower4.1\extras\smartmarket\off2case.m, 16319 , 2010-05-24



0 个回复

  • Factor-models_matlab-code
    Factor models_matlab code
    2013-10-17 00:42:34下载
  • MatLab_7_Programming
    很好的matlab参考书,唯一的缺点是全英文,不过写得很详细(Matlab very good reference book, the only drawback is that the whole English, but very detailed)
    2007-07-26 22:04:26下载
  • zishiying
    说明:  matlab的各种自适应仿真分析。。自适应信息处理的算法、方案繁多,究其实质可归纳为遵循最小均方误差(Least Mean Square,LMS)准则及最小二乘(Least Square,LS)准则两大类,其他算法大多是这两种算法的演进。(matlab simulation analysis of various adaptive. . Adaptive information processing algorithms, a variety of plans, their essence can be summarized as follows the minimum mean square error (Least Mean Square, LMS) criterion and least squares (Least Square, LS) criteria for two categories, most of the two other algorithms kind of algorithm evolution.)
    2010-04-28 20:49:01下载
  • Wind_PMSG
    Analysis of steady state/ transient behaviour of HVDC systems due to AC/ DC Faults, commutation failure etc. using PSCAD simulating software. Also conducted studies on control methods/ protection requirements as well as distribution on the Delhi-Rihand HVDC system.
    2012-04-24 19:34:33下载
  • six-humpcamelback
    通用模拟退火优化算法 General simulated annealing algorithm 模拟退火优化算法能过较大限度的避免局部最优解 (General simulated annealing optimization algorithm General simulated annealing algorithm simulated annealing optimization algorithm can have a greater level of local optimal solution to avoid)
    2008-12-27 03:43:33下载
  • WritingFastMatlabCode
    an tutorial for writing fast matlab code
    2010-07-08 14:50:42下载
  • ameliorationofchannelestimation
    此程序实现了一种改进的ofdm下的信道估计方法,综合了以往的几种内插方法,并加以改进(This program realise a new channel estimation beneath the ofdm system combining several former intersecting method.Furthermore, certain ameliorations are also being done.)
    2009-12-12 20:45:11下载
  • ieee57cdf
    IEEE power system 57 bus data
    2011-02-06 03:27:50下载
  • The-Modulated-Wideband-Converter-
    基于宽带调制转换器的一种新的压缩感知技术(Matlab package that simulates sampling by the analog system. The MWC consists of an RF front-end whose intermediate nodes are non-bandlimited signals. In this setting, computing the samples that would have been obtained by the hardware becomes a tricky task. This package sets the MWC parameters properly and also uses a dense time-grid in order to ensure sufficient approximation in computing the analog samples. The simulations in this paper were generated by this package. Usage: (A) download from here and unzip. (B) use start.m to run the simulations (can last many hours). (C) use GenFigs.m to generate the figures from the saved results. )
    2011-04-20 09:22:15下载
  • pic
    用matlab进行图像处理程序,可对图像进行对比度、灰度处理。(Matlab image processing procedure, but the image contrast, gray processing. )
    2012-05-24 22:46:47下载
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