首页 » matlab » 通过matlab实现车联网下的资源分配


于 2020-10-15 发布 文件大小:700KB
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  通过matlab实现车联网下的资源分配,包括用户、路边单元和基站,相关毕设可以使用(Matlab is used to realize the resource allocation under the vehicle network, including users, roadside units and base stations, which can be used in relevant settings.)


代码, 0 , 2018-07-06
代码\compare.eps, 76082 , 2018-03-20
代码\compare.fig, 20384 , 2018-03-20
代码\compare.jpg, 28890 , 2018-03-20
代码\compare.m, 6777 , 2018-04-22
代码\compare_135.eps, 132547 , 2018-03-21
代码\compare_135.fig, 23106 , 2018-03-21
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代码\compare_2000.jpg, 32987 , 2018-03-21
代码\compare_400-550.jpg, 26504 , 2018-03-21
代码\compare_400_550.eps, 75167 , 2018-03-21
代码\compare_400_550.fig, 19905 , 2018-03-21
代码\compare_400_550.jpg, 26336 , 2018-03-21
代码\compare_450_500.m, 6808 , 2018-03-21
代码\compare_final.m, 6831 , 2018-04-26
代码\compare_L_rbp.eps, 102438 , 2018-03-21
代码\compare_L_rbp.fig, 23013 , 2018-03-21
代码\compare_L_rbp.jpg, 37469 , 2018-03-21
代码\compare_L_rbp.m, 11784 , 2018-04-26
代码\compare_raw.eps, 75690 , 2018-03-14
代码\compare_raw.fig, 20187 , 2018-03-14
代码\compare_raw.jpg, 28095 , 2018-03-14
代码\compare_raw_200.eps, 79039 , 2018-03-20
代码\compare_raw_200.fig, 19942 , 2018-03-20
代码\compare_raw_200.jpg, 28248 , 2018-03-20
代码\compare_raw_500.eps, 102280 , 2018-03-20
代码\compare_raw_500.fig, 24040 , 2018-03-20
代码\compare_raw_500.jpg, 120344 , 2018-03-20
代码\compare_t.m, 6698 , 2018-03-24
代码\compare_tt.m, 6258 , 2018-04-23
代码\compare_tt_135_exercise.m, 28100 , 2018-05-02
代码\compare_t_raw.m, 7094 , 2018-03-31
代码\delay.m, 1049 , 2018-04-17
代码\resource.m, 4719 , 2018-03-13
代码\resource_raw.eps, 78692 , 2018-03-13
代码\resource_raw.jpg, 30323 , 2018-03-13
代码\resource_raw.m, 4717 , 2018-03-13
代码\resource_raw_200.m, 4983 , 2018-03-20
代码\untitled.jpg, 28932 , 2018-03-20
代码\Untitled.m, 199 , 2018-07-06
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代码\Untitled3.m, 6862 , 2018-03-20
代码\Untitled6.m, 412 , 2018-03-21



0 个回复

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