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于 2016-07-22 发布 文件大小:218KB
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  实验名称:关于数组下标越界的异常操作。 实验要求:自定义String类,当数组下标越界调用异常处理。 初步认识:通过C++的异常处理建立在三个关键字try 、catch和throw实现。(Laboratory name: about array subscript bounds of abnormal operation. Experimental requirements: custom String class, when the array subscript transitions exception handling. Preliminary understanding: by c++ exception handling is based on three key words the try and catch and throw.)





0 个回复

  • Apache_Modules
    Apache 相关的图书。如果想了解用C编写有关APACHE的程序,可以参考此书。(Apache-related books. If you want to know about APACHE written in C programs, refer to the book.)
    2011-07-05 15:29:13下载
  • ATSHA204A-AppNote
    ATMEL安全芯片,加密芯片,使用说明文档(ATMEL enc chip use able)
    2018-05-07 20:58:58下载
  • 8-MinInOrder
    剑指offer上的题目,求最小值的,比较基础,程序员面试别准备题目。(a problem in the way to offers.)
    2015-11-25 17:12:05下载
  • compute_PR_AP
    Precision Recall Curve
    2016-06-27 09:21:17下载
  • 1
    此压缩文件中是通信工程师中级考前辅导材料,是CDMA蜂窝系统的知识复习资料,里面有CDMA蜂窝系统知识的全面覆盖。(This compressed file is a communication engineer Intermediate prep materials, is the knowledge of CDMA cellular system review the information, which has a comprehensive knowledge of CDMA cellular system coverage.)
    2013-09-27 17:05:25下载
  • app
    说明:  图论相关知识,the basic knowledge(Knowledge of graph theory, the basic knowledge)
    2011-03-08 08:57:12下载
  • m
    说明:  sh-1的加密解密算法的实现,有相关文件和代码(sh-1 encryption and decryption algorithm, related documents and code)
    2013-07-31 14:35:32下载
  • security
    说明:  说明: 1、里面有什么: 1.1、org.bouncycastle.*下的所有软件是bouncycastle组织开发的软件包 1.2、org.infosecurity.*下的软件包括: DES_CBC算法的实现 RSA算法的实现(包括:密钥生成、公钥加密和私钥解密、数字签名及签名验证) 数字信封的实现   利用数字信封实现大文件的加密、解密。 2、有什么用:   2.1 研究、学习信息安全中的密码学设计与实现技术。   2.2 当然如果大家觉得在其它地方用的上,我会觉得很高兴的。 3、还有什么改进: 3.1 对文件加密、解密的时候要频繁的IO,如果加一个缓冲区,比如10K、50K等, 只有缓冲区满了才写入DISK这样将提高效率。 3.2 RSA私钥积存的时候可以按PKCS8形式,再经BASE64编码保存比较好。(Note : 1, mean there : 1.1, org.bouncycastle .* of all software development organizations is bouncycastle package 1.2, org.infosecurity .* The software includes : DES_CBC algorithm to achieve the realization of the RSA algorithm (including : key generation, public key and private key encryption decryption, digital signatures and signature verification), the realization of digital envelope using digital envelope realize document encryption, decryption. Two, what is the use of : 2.1, learning the information security cryptography design and technology. 2.2 Of course, if you think in the other parts, I feel very happy. Three, what is there for improvement : 3.1 pairs of file encryption, decryption, and the time to frequent the IO, plus a buffer, such as 10K, 50K, the only buffer is needed for)
    2006-03-23 17:38:00下载
  • 笔试宝典-导出题库
    C++/后端开发/前端开发/基础知识等笔试题目题库大全(C++/ background development / front-end development / basic knowledge and other test questions)
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  • HuaWei_test
    华为各类工程师通信基础面试试题及答案,很值得一看(Huawei, based on various types of engineers, telecommunications and answer interview questions, it is worth a visit)
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