首页 » matlab » GPS单点定位


于 2020-06-17 发布 文件大小:4462KB
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  GPS 单系统单频伪距静态 单点定位 CEP95 2.9(Single point positioning)


GPS单点定位\1.14o, 14988701 , 2019-07-16
GPS单点定位\15°.mat, 66718 , 2019-07-29
GPS单点定位\2.14n, 126809 , 2019-07-16
GPS单点定位\5°.mat, 66642 , 2019-07-29
GPS单点定位\change.m, 581 , 2019-07-18
GPS单点定位\changexyz.m, 532 , 2019-07-18
GPS单点定位\choose.m, 269 , 2019-07-22
GPS单点定位\dandian.mat, 66678 , 2019-07-22
GPS单点定位\figuer.m, 566 , 2019-07-29
GPS单点定位\ionmodel.m, 1529 , 2019-07-19
GPS单点定位\jiaquan.mat, 66671 , 2019-07-22
GPS单点定位\location.m, 1313 , 2019-07-22
GPS单点定位\main.m, 2019 , 2019-08-08
GPS单点定位\readnav.m, 4018 , 2019-07-19
GPS单点定位\readobs.m, 1909 , 2019-07-19
GPS单点定位\tight_subplot.m, 1962 , 2019-07-27
GPS单点定位, 0 , 2019-08-08



0 个回复

  • histogram_matching
    说明:  在matlab里面对彩色图像进行匹配,根据图像直方图进行匹配(Match color images in matlab and match based on image histogram)
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  • CoordinateConversion
    GPS定位程序所需的坐标转换程序,包括大地坐标转到笛卡尔坐标等(GPS positioning procedures required to coordinate conversion program)
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  • 序贯滤波序 KF
    序贯滤波程序: 卡尔曼滤波算法(Kalman filtering)一种利用线性系统状态方程,通过系统输入输出观测数据,对系统状态进行最优估计的算法。由于观测数据中包括系统中的噪声和干扰的影响,所以最优估计也可看作是滤波过程。   序贯算法又叫序贯相似性检测算法,是指图像匹配技术是根据已知的图像模块(模板图)在另一幅图像(搜索图)中寻找相应或相近模块的过程,它是计算机视觉和模式识别中的基本手段。已在卫星遥感、空间飞行器的自动导航、机器人视觉、气象云图分析及医学x射线图片处理等许多领域中得到了广泛的应用。研究表明,图像匹配的速度主要取决于匹配算法的搜索策略。   (Sequential filtering procedures: Kalman filtering (Kalman filtering) is an algorithm that uses the state equation of a linear system to estimate the optimal state of the system through the input and output observation data of the system. Because the observation data include the influence of noise and interference in the system, the optimal estimation can also be regarded as a filtering process.)
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  • USTM
    快衰落多输入多输出信道中,无信道状态信息的酉空时调制。属于信道发射和接收两端均无信道状态信息的非相干空时码。程序包含一个主程序和一个酉空时信号产生子程序,并给出误比特率。(Unitary space-time modulation without channel state information in fast fading MIMO channels. It belongs to the incoherent space-time code with no channel state information at both ends of the channel transmitting and receiving. The programs include a main program and a unitary space-time signal generation subroutine, and gives the bit error rate.)
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  • T01S30P04
    Performance of Cyclostationary Features Based Spectrum Sensing Method in A Multiple Antenna Cognitive Radio System
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  • mimo
    average.m为平均功率对信道容量的影响 WaterFilling.m为注水算法对信道容量的影响 主程序为天线相关性对MIMO的影响模拟(average.m average power of channel capacity WaterFilling.m channel capacity for the water-filling algorithm main program for the impact of antenna correlation on MIMO simulation)
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