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于 2017-12-21 发布 文件大小:55KB
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  光伏阵列仿真模型 每个模块有6个单体构成,共有6个模块串联(The efficiency of use of solar panels is influenced by many factors. This paper investigates, by experiment, the influence of artificial light and shading on solar panel cells. Firstly, the panel cells are exposed to artificial light of three different power levels. Secondly, the panel cells were shaded by one-quarter, half and three-quarters. Current-voltage and power-voltage characteristics were determined for both cases. Efficiency calculations were done at the maximum power point. It was observed that when the panel cells were exposed to artificial light sources, the power output and efficiency slightly increased and when exposed to shading, there was a significant reduction in power and efficiency.)


a134.slx, 59341, 2017-12-14



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