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于 2017-12-30 发布 文件大小:94KB
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  MATLAB支持向量机,编程实现,已用C语言转,内附Windows x64和x32(MATLAB SVM Programming implementation, has been used in C language, Windows x64 and X32)


svm\classdata.mat, 2004 , 2016-11-28
svm\datascale.m, 1014 , 2015-07-10
svm\libsvm_grid.m, 1175 , 2016-11-01
svm\libsvm_gridr.m, 2350 , 2016-11-17
svm\mysum.m, 45 , 2016-11-14
svm\mysvc.m, 2533 , 2016-11-01
svm\mysvcscreen.m, 1570 , 2016-11-28
svm\mysvr.m, 1193 , 2016-04-06
svm\mysvrscreen.m, 1536 , 2016-11-28
svm\regressdata.mat, 1117 , 2016-11-28
svm\svmpredict.mexw32, 20480 , 2016-11-14
svm\svmpredict.mexw64, 23040 , 2017-07-10
svm\svmtrain.mexw32, 50176 , 2016-11-14
svm\svmtrain.mexw64, 60416 , 2017-07-10
svm\SVM命令.doc, 28672 , 2012-11-27
svm\udgrid.m, 3484 , 2016-04-05
svm\udgridr.m, 2818 , 2015-07-10
svm, 0 , 2017-12-30



0 个回复

  • matlab3
    1-32是:图形应用篇 33-66是:界面设计篇 67-84是:图形处理篇 85-100是:数值分析篇(1-32 is: graphics application papers 33-66 are: interface design articles 67-84 is: graphics processing chapter 85-100 is: Numerical Analysis Section)
    2008-04-24 17:44:58下载
  • shiyan
    数字信号处理实验报告实验一信号、系统及系统响应实验二用FFT作谱分析实验三用双线性变换法设计IIR数字滤波器(Digital signal processing lab report experiment a signal, system and system response for the second experiment with the FFT spectrum analysis experiment with three bilinear transform IIR digital filter design)
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    Reson 7K系列多波束格式说明,可用于该数据文件的解码(Data format for Reson 7K MB bathy system)
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  • kalman_flt
    说明:  基于matlab实现卡尔曼滤波。卡尔曼滤波是递推自适应滤波的一种有效方法。(Kalman filter based on the realization of matlab. Recursive adaptive Kalman filter is an effective method for filtering.)
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  • magicsubspec
    用谱减法实现语音的降噪,经典的谱减法完整源代码。(Of voice with spectral subtraction noise reduction, spectral subtraction classic full source code.)
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  • seam-carving
    findEnergy.m 计算出图像的梯度图 findSeamImg.m 计算出所有可能的竖直缝 findSeam.m找出能量最小的一条竖直缝 removalMap.m将需要删除的N条竖直缝存储起来并按照索引逐条删除 SeamCut.m将选中的缝一条条的删除 SeamPlot.m在图中画出要删除的缝 Testseam.m调用以上函数的主程序(FINDENERGY creates an gradient img from a given RGB or grayscale image. FINDSEAMIMG finds the seam map from which the optimal (vertical running) seam can be calculated. FINDSEAM returns a column vector of coordinates for the pixels to be removed (the seam). SEAMPLOT takes as input an image and the SeamVector array and produces an image with the seam line superimposed upon the input image, x, for display purposes. SEAMCUT takes as input a RGB or grayscale image and SeamVector array to find the pixels contained in the seam, and to remove them from the image. REMOVALMAP takes a given image and finds the ordered set of (vertical) seams that are removed from an image and returns them in an array, where the Nth column in the array corresponds to the Nth seam to be removed.)
    2013-04-30 15:31:15下载
  • PV inverter grid connected
    以单相光伏发电并网系统为研究对象,针对光伏发电并网技术,深入分析了光伏发电最大功率点跟踪技术和逆变器并网控制技术。在Simulink中搭建了光伏电池模型、基于扰动观测法的MPPT模型和使用电压电流双闭环SPWM控制策略来并网。(Taking the single-phase photovoltaic power grid system as the research object, aiming at the photovoltaic power grid technology, this paper analyzes the maximum power point tracking technology and inverter grid control technology. In Simulink, photovoltaic cell model, MPPT model based on disturbance observation method and voltage current double closed-loop SPWM control strategy are built.)
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