

于 2018-01-01 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  利用MATLAB软件对OFDM系统做出仿真。仿真中采用QPSK调制技术,并加入高斯白噪声,最终得到QPSK星座映射图以及BER曲线图。由仿真结果可以看出,OFDM在高斯信道具有良好的抗噪声性能,误码率较低。(MATLAB software is used to simulate the OFDM system. In the simulation, QPSK modulation technology is used, and Gauss white noise is added, and the map of the QPSK constellation and the BER curve are finally obtained. It can be seen from the simulation results that OFDM has good anti noise performance and low error rate in Gauss channel.)


OFDM.m, 2853 , 2017-05-11



0 个回复

  • draft-ietf-mpls-oam-frmwk-05
    mpls tp oam frame work from ietf. very usefull
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    ADIBEAM Abstract—the increase in navigation accuracy demanded by EGNOS and Galileo and their future evolution encourages the study and design of advance receiver architectures. In that direction, the ADIBEAM project focuses on the design of high accuracy ground stations, specifically GNSS Reference Stations, in order to improve its robustness in front of multipath and interference errors with the goal of achieving centimeter level tracking accuracy. The adoption of antenna arrays and digital beamforming at the ground reference station receivers is one of the most promising approaches to cope with errors induced by multipath and interference.
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