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于 2018-01-03 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  用于故障诊断中计算时频域中的小波包能量矩。。(Wavelet packet energy moment)


点击解压.html, 1457 , 2011-12-23



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  • 2022-03-16 10:38:51下载
  • 超级酷,1st
    超级酷,1st-pay的在线支付生成器(绝对内部版本)。 虽然只有一个java语句和一个html的生成页面,但功能绝对强大。 自动化的支付接口生成,并且支持多种1st-pay的支付接口格式。吐血推荐,赶快下载-Super Cool, 1st-pay online payment generator (absolute internal version). Although only a java language and an html page generation, but absolutely powerful functions. Automated Generation of payment interface, and support for multiple 1st-pay payment interface format. Suggest to vomit blood, quickly download
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  • 1-Hi3518EV300 +DDR+0.7w+1.8$-UM
    HI3518E是专为工业专用智能高清IP摄像机设计的新一代SoC。它引入了新一代 ISP,最新的H.265视频压缩编码器和高性能NNIE引擎,使HI3518E成为业界的领头羊。 在低比特率,高图像质量,智能处理和分析,低功耗。与集成 HI3518E采用PoR、RTC、音频编解码器和待机唤醒电路,大大降低了客户的电子书成本。HI3518E还提供与Hisilicon DVR和NVR SOC类似的接口设计,促进快速批量生产。(Hi3518e is a new-generation SoC designed for the industry-dedicated smart HD IP camera. It introduces a new-generation ISP, the latest H.265 video compression encoder, and a high-performance NNIE engine, enabling Hi3518e to lead the industry in terms of low bit rate, high image quality, intelligent processing and analysis, and low power consumption. Integrated with the POR, RTC, audio codec, and standby wakeup circuit, Hi3518e can greatly reduce the EBOM costs for customers. Hi3518e also provides similar interface designs to the HiSilicon DVR and NVR SoCs, facilitating rapid mass production.)
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    说明:  本书是一本"围绕练习来学习”的图书,特别适合作为大专院校的实验教材或者是自学用书。全书涉及的内容除了LabVIEW的基本编程概念和方法之外,还有大量的章节讨论DAQ的使用及LabVIEW的应用。全书共分13章,内容包括while循环与波形图、for循环与波形图、MathScript模型与XY图、DAQ辅助数据采集、数据文件与字符串、移位寄存器、case结构、数据独立性与序列结构、vi分析、使用DAQmx vi的数据采集与生成、PID温度控制项目、独立仪器控制等。(This book is a "learning around practice" book, especially suitable for college experimental teaching materials or self-study books. In addition to the basic programming concepts and methods of LabVIEW, there are also a large number of chapters to discuss the use of DAQ and the application of LabVIEW. The book is divided into 13 chapters, including while loop and waveform diagram, for loop and waveform diagram, MathScript model and XY diagram, DAQ auxiliary data acquisition, data file and string, shift register, case structure, data independence and sequence structure, VI analysis, data acquisition and generation using daqmx VI, PID temperature control project, independent instrument control, etc.)
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