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于 2020-11-09 发布 文件大小:119KB
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  无人机飞行控制系统的几个仿真包括纵向通道和横侧向通道,采用PID算法(Several simulations of UAV flight control system include longitudinal channel and lateral channel, using PID algorithm)


程序, 0 , 2018-01-06
程序\untitled.mdl, 38566 , 2018-01-05
程序\untitled1.mdl, 47858 , 2018-01-05
程序\untitled10.slx, 20579 , 2018-01-05
程序\untitled2.slx, 19149 , 2018-01-05
程序\untitled3.slx, 20091 , 2018-01-05
程序\untitled4.slx, 20377 , 2018-01-05
程序\untitled5.slx, 23113 , 2018-01-05



0 个回复

  • LPA算法
    标签传播算法 用于社区发现 带简单的测试用例(LP algorithm for community detection with simple test cases)
    2018-08-16 16:08:24下载
  • 131745
    在JAVA里 调用 C 程序,做JAVA和C的朋友注意了,值得学习()
    2017-09-21 06:39:42下载
  • 升余弦滚降系统
    说明:  包括MATLAB原程序代码,注释,图片,为实验完整素材。(Including Matlab original program code, notes, pictures, for the experiment complete material.)
    2020-06-04 11:44:39下载
  • Play-Cards
    play card主要实现了play card的基本要求。。(playcardcomplate the reqirement..)
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  • ,线程的封装源代码,以及线程组的封装。并采用消息控制线程的方法。...
    ,线程的封装源代码,以及线程组的封装。并采用消息控制线程的方法。 -, The thread package source code, as well as the thread group of packages. And using the message thread of control methods.
    2023-02-11 07:30:04下载
  • SuperMario
    自己编写的java版本的类超级玛丽游戏,内含两个关卡,并保证所有的元素尽可能出现一次;源代码的注释比较详细(I have written the java version of class Super Mario game, containing the two checkpoints, and to ensure that all the elements as much as possible once source code comment in more detail)
    2012-07-08 16:46:12下载
  • Hilbert-Huang变换及在信号处理中的应用
    说明:  HHT主要内容包含两部分,第一部分为经验模态分解(Empirical Mode Decomposition,简称EMD),它是由Huang提出的;第二部分为Hilbert谱分析(Hilbert Spectrum Analysis,简称HSA)。简单说来,HHT处理非平稳信号的基本过程是:首先利用EMD方法将给定的信号分解为若干固有模态函数(以Intrinsic Mode Function或IMF表示,也称作本征模态函数),这些IMF是满足一定条件的分量;然后,对每一个IMF进行Hilbert变换,得到相应的Hilbert谱,即将每个IMF表示在联合的时频域中;最后,汇总所有IMF的Hilbert谱就会得到原始信号的Hilbert谱。(The main content of HHT includes two parts. The first part is Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), which was proposed by Huang, and the second part is Hilbert Spectrum Analysis (HSA). Simply speaking, the basic process of HHT processing non-stationary signals is: firstly, the given signal is decomposed into several intrinsic mode functions (represented by Intrinsic Mode Function or IMF, also known as intrinsic mode functions), which are components satisfying certain conditions; secondly, Hilbert transform is applied to each IMF. The corresponding Hilbert spectrum is obtained, that is, each IMF is represented in the joint time-frequency domain; finally, the Hilbert spectrum of the original signal is obtained by summing up the Hilbert spectrum of all IMFs.)
    2020-06-23 22:00:02下载
  • hanno
    说明:  /汉诺塔递归算法过程解析: //汉诺塔(又称河内塔)问题是印度的一个古老的传说。开天辟地的神勃拉玛在一个庙里留下了三根金刚石 //的棒,第一根上面套着64个圆的金片,最大的一个在底下,其余一个比一个小,依次叠上去,庙里的众僧 //不倦地把它们一个个地从这根棒搬到另一根棒上,规定可利用中间的一根棒作为帮助,但每次只能搬一个, //而且大的不能放在小的上面。解答结果请自己运行计算,程序见尾部。面对庞大的数字(移动圆片的次数) //18446744073709551615,看来,众僧们耗尽毕生精力也不可能完成金片的移动。 //后来,这个传说就演变为汉诺塔游戏:(err)
    2008-10-27 20:02:15下载
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  • NB
    说明:  用Java语言实现简单的朴素贝叶斯算法,进行机器学习。(Simple naive Bayesian algorithm is implemented in Java language for machine learning.)
    2019-04-25 21:18:40下载
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