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于 2009-04-01 发布 文件大小:6494KB
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  介绍雷达的理论基础、脉冲压缩技术、信号检测技术、频率和极化捷变技术、现代天线技术(Introduce the theoretical basis for radar pulse compression techniques, signal detection, frequency and polarization-agile technology, modern antenna technology)





0 个回复

  • fft
    this algorithm describes how to take fast fourier transform in matlab
    2010-06-23 21:12:49下载
  • WKBCal
    说明:  光通信计算,利用公式计算折射率分布,特别为化学方法产生的器件(optical communication, the use of the refractive index distribution formula, particularly for the chemical device)
    2021-05-13 23:30:03下载
  • conjgrad.m
    Conjugate Gradients minimization routine
    2012-03-28 02:33:50下载
  • treewave
    Included are the files wav1.m, wav2.m, wavecoef.mat and readme. wav2 function implements the tree structured wavelet transform of the input matrix, up to the given level of decomposition. Wav2 uses another function called wav1, which takes the well known wavelet transform of the given matrix. Daubechies wavelet coefficients are used for wavelet transform operation wahich is saved in wavcoeff.mat. (Included are the files wav1.m, wav2.m. wavecoef.mat and readme. wav2 function biennium max the tree structured wavelet transform of t he input matrix. given up to the level of decomposition. Wav2 use s wav1 another function called, which takes the well known wavelet transform of the given matrix. Daubechies wavelet coeffici separations are used for wavelet transform operation w ahich is saved in wavcoeff.mat.)
    2006-07-17 09:01:16下载
  • [MATLAB智能算法30个案分析].史峰等.扫描版
    说明:  《matlab智能算法30个案例分析》采用案例形式,以智能算法为主线,讲解了遗传算法、免疫算法、退火算法、粒子群算法、鱼群算法、蚁群算法和神经网络算法等最常用的智能算法的matlab实现。本书共给出30个案例,每个案例都是一个使用智能算法解决问题的具体实例,所有案例均由理论讲解、案例背景、matlab程序实现和扩展阅读四个部分组成,并配有完整的原创程序,使读者在掌握算法的同时更能快速提高使用算法求解实际问题的能力。本书可作为本科毕业设计、研究生项目设计、博士低年级课题设计参考书籍,同时对广大科研人员也有很高的参考价值。(All the cases in the book are carefully designed for the immediate needs of users of major matlab technology forums in China, and the contents and solutions of many cases are rarely introduced in the published matlab books in China.)
    2021-02-14 18:33:35下载
  • Member-functiondefinitionsforclassAccount
    Member-function definitions for class Account. 源代码(Member-function definitions for class Account. Source code)
    2008-01-06 11:42:31下载
  • jisuan3
    计算CM值,表征系统规整性的一个计算方法(Calculated CM values, characterize the system as a structured method of)
    2010-06-22 10:28:05下载
  • Matlab-spectrumananalysis
    该文给出了一种利用matlab系统实现频谱分析与显示的方法。该方法对语音信号进行基于FFT的短时频谱分析,频谱图的伪彩色映射及显示。(This paper presents a system implementation using matlab spectrum analysis and display methods. The method is based on the speech signal short-time FFT spectrum analysis, spectrum and display pseudo-color mapping.)
    2010-10-23 17:02:41下载
  • sinorder
    为sinudoidal模型的AIC阶估计.AIC信息准则即Akaike information criterion,是衡量统计模型拟合优良性的一种标准,又由于它为日本统计学家赤池弘次创立和发展的,因此又称赤池信息量准则。它建立在熵的概念基础上,可以权衡所估计模型的复杂度和此模型拟合数据的优良性。 在一般的情况下,AIC可以表示为: AIC=2k-2ln(L) 其中:k是参数的数量,L是似然函数。 假设条件是模型的误差服从独立正态分布。 让n为观察数,RSS为剩余平方和,那么AIC变为: AIC=2k+nln(RSS/n) 增加自由参数的数目提高了拟合的优良性,AIC鼓励数据拟合的优良性但是尽量避免出现过度拟合(Overfitting)的情况。所以优先考虑的模型应是AIC值最小的那一个。赤池信息准则的方法是寻找可以最好地解释数据但包含最少自由参数的模型。(AIC order estimation for sinudoidal model)
    2013-12-05 13:18:54下载
  • planning-problem
    各种算法解决网络或工程规划问题,十分强大,有用(differnt ways to solve the planning problems,convinient)
    2013-04-22 19:27:06下载
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