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于 2021-01-29 发布 文件大小:24916KB
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  本总体方案完成国标GB20600-2006数字电视地面广播传输系统基带部分功能。 输入数据码流经过扰码器(随机化)、前向纠错编码(FEC),然后进行比特流到符号流的星座映射,再进行交织后形成基本数据块,基本数据块与系统信息组合(复用)后并经过帧体数据处理形成帧体,帧体与相应的帧头(PN序列)复接为信号帧(组帧),经过基带后处理转换为输出信号(8MHz带宽内)。该信号经变频转换为射频信号(UHF和VHF频段范围内)。用C程序设计了图形交互界面,可以在界面上直接设置调制参数。(The overall program completion GB GB20600-2006 digital terrestrial television broadcasting transmission systems baseband function. The input data stream through the scrambler (randomization), forward error correction (the FEC), then the symbol constellation mapping bitstream to the stream, and then after forming the basic block interleaving, the basic data block and information combined system ( multiplexing) after data processing and after the frame body forms a frame body, frame body with a corresponding header (PN sequence) multiplexed signal frame (framing), after post-processing baseband signal is converted to an output (internal 8MHz bandwidth). The signal is downconverted to a radio frequency signal (in the VHF and UHF frequency range). C program designed graphical interface, you can set modulation parameters directly on the screen.)


..............\Modulator 9.17.mcfg,1014,2015-04-01



0 个回复

  • Infrare-Decoder
    用单片机对遥控器实现解码,并在数码管上显示(Infrare Decoder)
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  • robot
    超声波测距,测量精度为1cm,可以使机器人安全避障。(Ultrasonic distance measurement accuracy of 1cm, can make the robot obstacle avoidance safety.)
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  • dianyabiao
    数字电压表的源程序,可以实现实现测量电路的电压,精确到小数点后面三位数字。附带数字电压表的流程图(Digital voltage meter source, can be implemented to realize the voltage measurement circuit, down to the decimal point three digits.Attached flowchart of digital voltmeter)
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