首页 » WINDOWS » 源代码:B+算法,NTFS的排序算法


于 2004-12-14 发布 文件大小:25KB
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  运用B+数算法,实现树性存储,探索ntfs的存储算法(use several algorithms to achieve sexual storage tree, explore ntfs storage algorithm)



0 个回复

  • zigzag
    % 这是参照 University of California 提供的 MPEG 源代码的基础上编制的。 %用分块方法(8x8的块)对图象做zigzag变换, %效率极高,程序简洁,属信息隐藏中常用的方法之一。 %作者:辽宁大学 信息学院 范铁生 %email:fts0@163.com( This is a reference to University of California to provide the MPEG source code based on the establishment. Of sub-block method (8x8 block) to make zigzag transform images, high efficiency and simple procedure, which is commonly used in information hiding methods. Author: Liaoning University School of Informatics Fan Tiesheng email: fts0@163.com)
    2007-10-21 09:41:54下载
  • 用来通过HTTP协议下载的序,支持断点续传和多线下载。 注意,该序一次只能下载一个任务,那个列表虽然可以拉很多进去,不过是摆设。...
    用来通过HTTP协议下载的程序,支持断点续传和多线程下载。 注意,该程序一次只能下载一个任务,那个列表虽然可以拉很多进去,不过是摆设。-HTTP protocol to download through the procedures, support HTTP download and multithreading. Note that this procedure can only be downloaded once a task that although the list can pull into the lot, but yes display.
    2023-03-09 17:05:03下载
  • Lesson3Code
    孙鑫VC第三讲源码完整版 孙鑫VC视频第三讲源码(Xin Sun full version of VC Third Lecture source)
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  • Experiment_Calculate
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  • houghinit
    基于标准Hough变换的航迹起始,对采集的十帧数据进行分析,得到五条起始航迹(Standards-based Hough transform track initiation, the 10 data collected for analysis, the five initial track)
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  • under the Windows network server program development, no doubt, Winsock complete...
    在WINDOWS下进行网络服务端程序开发,毫无疑问,Winsock 完成端口模型是最高效的。Winsock的完成端口模型借助Widnows的重叠IO和完成端口来实现,完成端口模型懂了之后是比较简单的,但是要想掌握Winsock完成端口模型,需要对WINDOWS下的线程、线程同步,Winsock API以及WINDOWS IO机制有一定的了解。如果不了解,推荐几本书:《Inside Windows 2000,《WINDOWS核心编程》,《WIN32多线程程序设计》、《WINDOWS网络编程技术》。在去年,我在C语言下用完成端口模型写了一个WEBSERVER,前些天,我决定用C++重写这个WEBSERVER,给这个WEBSERVER增加了一些功能,并改进完成端口操作方法,比如采用AcceptEx来代替accept和使用LOOKASIDE LIST来管理内存,使得WEBSERVER的性能有了比较大的提高。 -under the Windows network server program development, no doubt, Winsock completed port model is the most efficient. Winsock port model with complete preview of overlap and complete port IO to achieve complete port after the model to understand is a relatively simple, but want to know the complete Winsock port model, the need for the Windows threads, thread synchronization, Winsock API and Windows IO mechanism of a certain understanding. If we do not understand, recommended several books : "Inside Windows 2000," Windows core programming "," WIN32 multithreaded program
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