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于 2018-01-29 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  梯度下降法是最早最简单,也是最为常用的最优化方法。梯度下降法实现简单,当目标函数是凸函数时,梯度下降法的解是全局解。一般情况下,其解不保证是全局最优解,梯度下降法的速度也未必是最快的。梯度下降法的优化思想是用当前位置负梯度方向作为搜索方向,因为该方向为当前位置的最快下降方向,所以也被称为是”最速下降法“。最速下降法越接近目标值,步长越小,前进越慢。(The gradient descent method is the earliest and most simple and most commonly used optimization method. The gradient descent method is simple to realize. When the objective function is a convex function, the solution of the gradient descent method is a global solution. In general, the solution is not guaranteed to be the global optimal solution, and the gradient descent method is not necessarily the fastest. The optimization idea of gradient descent method is to use the current position negative gradient direction as the search direction, because the direction is the fastest descending direction of the current position, so it is also called the steepest descent method. The faster the slowest descent approach is closer to the target, the smaller the step, the slower the progress.)


PSO.m, 1117 , 2018-01-29
Untitled9.m, 40 , 2018-01-29
psoo 30.m, 45 , 2018-01-29
Untitled5.m, 14 , 2018-01-28
Untitled21.m, 94 , 2018-01-29
Untitled2.m, 67 , 2018-01-19
Untitled.m, 48 , 2018-01-28
Untitled3.m, 17 , 2018-01-19
Untitled10.m, 48 , 2018-01-28
Untitled2222.m, 65 , 2018-01-28
fsht.m, 143 , 2018-01-19
kkk.m, 64 , 2018-01-28
psooo.m, 1854 , 2018-01-28



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