首页 » Visual C++ » Structure-Light-Reconstructor


于 2021-04-04 发布 文件大小:139KB
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  结构光三维重建代码,提取结构光的点,并进行三维坐标转换(Structure light 3D reconstruction code, structured light extraction point, and three-dimensional coordinate conversion,DrawZeroPoint/Structure-Light-Reconstructor)





0 个回复

  • VTK读取30张Dicom片三维重建
    利用VTK三维重建软件与VS2010结合,读取格式为Dicom的系列图像,并能显示三维重建结果,语言为C++语言(Using VTK 3D reconstruction software and VS2010 combination, read the format of Dicom series of images, and can display three-dimensional reconstruction results, the language is C++ language)
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  • GTool(Version2.2)
    电视系统中,进行需要在线调整Gamma曲线,此工具可以方便的对电视系统中的Gamma曲线读写,修改,该软件使用了贝塞尔曲线,方便的拖出你想要的曲线,然后在线升级(TV system, to adjust the Gamma curve need to be online, this tool can be easily against the television system in the Gamma curve to read and write, modify, the software uses the Bezier curves, a convenient pulled out the curve you want, and then Online Upgrade)
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  • stars
    opengl program for stars written in c.the points blink like stars in the sky.it was written in dev c++ platform.
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  • Scene
    Visual C++结合OpenGL做的一个3D场景。其中包含地形生成,场景漫游,碰撞检测,场景中模拟了河流,跳跃的鱼,喷泉,树木,水草,房屋,塔楼,楼梯,飘动的旗帜等等。第一人称视角,可以跳跃行走碰撞检测,模拟了白天黑夜等等!(Visual C++ with OpenGL to do a 3D scene. Which contains the terrain generation, scene roaming, collision detection, simulation of the river scene, jumping fish, fountains, trees, plants, houses, towers, stairs, waving flags and so on. First-person perspective, you can skip walking collision detection, simulation of the day and night, and more!)
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  • Facce
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  • 3dsound
    3D音效的实现效果程序,参考这个程序,也可以写出3D音效的作品。(关闭翻译英语中文德语检测语言 中文(简体)英语日语 翻译文字或网页 3D音效的实现效果程序,参考这个程序,也可以写出3D音效的作品 请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 取消 3D yīnxiào de shíxiàn xiàoguǒ chéngxù, cānkǎo zhège chéngxù, yě kěyǐ xiě chū 3D yīnxiào de zuòpǐnThe realization of 3D sound effect program, refer to this program, you can also write 3D sound works)
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