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于 2018-02-27 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  yalmip混合整数规划优化问题,电力生产安排问题。(This file provides matlab Matlab matlab tool combined with yalmip toolbox for power system optimization of the study. MATPOWER is powerful in power flow and in solving the best power flow. It is very important for power management because it can reduce power system losses and improve system performance. In the power flow solution of the MATPOWER process, it can be applied to the convenient solution in the heuristic optimization.)



0 个回复

  • tp_sinosoidal_triangular_carrier_regular_asymmetr
    matlab simulation sinus sinosoidal_triangular_carrier_regular_asymmetrica Graphical Interface Num Root Inports Num Root Outports
    2010-11-03 18:56:42下载
  • p
    说明:  对策论的学习,用于算法研究和编程~~~~(Measures of learning, research and programming for the algorithm ~ ~ ~ ~)
    2010-04-27 14:43:34下载
  • SimTopDic
    OMNET对无线传感器网络中的运用于仿真,据有较高的使用价值。(OMNET wireless sensor networks used in the simulation, according to a higher use value.)
    2011-04-23 21:36:34下载
  • Simulated-Annealing
    模拟退火算法,基本算法,内附部分说明以及本人学习笔记(Simulated annealing algorithm, the basic algorithm, I am enclosing some notes, and study notes)
    2011-09-02 15:16:29下载
  • zijishejiDV-hop
    说明:  这是用MATLAB仿真平台,实现无线传感器网络定位算法仿真。(This is a MATLAB simulation platform, wireless sensor network localization algorithm simulation.)
    2011-04-07 10:55:41下载
  • sunspotstx
    太阳黑子是人类长久以来感兴趣的问题。此处运用matlab代码对太阳黑子的记录的数据进行处理,希望能提供帮助( Using archival records,astronomers have applied Wolfer s rule to determine sunspot activity back to the year 1700. Today the sunspot index is measured by many astronomers and the worldwide distribution of the data is coordinated by the Solar Influences Data Center at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. The text file sunspot.dat in the matlab/demos directory has two columns of numbers. The first column is the years from 1700 to 1987 and the second column is the average Wolfer sunspot number for each year.)
    2013-10-30 15:13:32下载
  • JonBoley-PsychoacousticModel2-PsychoacousticModel
    Matlab code for calculating masking threshold using psychoacoustic model.this involves graphical features
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  • bestsugment
    最优阈值分割,提高分割质量,保证了因为噪点不同而影响三维图像的重建效果。(The optimal threshold segmentation, improve the segmentation quality, ensure because noise is influenced by different 3D image reconstruction effect.)
    2015-03-15 20:42:44下载
  • 2012B
    2012年全国研究生数学建模-基于卫星无源探测的空间飞行器的轨道估计,里面包括详细的设计求解过程,含有matlab解算的M文件。(2012 National Mathematical Modeling graduate- satellite-based passive probe spacecraft orbit estimate, which includes detailed design solution process, the file containing the M matlab solver.)
    2013-12-16 17:30:57下载
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