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  包含收发两个客户端的链路级通信程序,一种噪声辅助数据分析方法,毕业设计有用。( Contains two clients receive link-level communications program, A noise auxiliary data analysis method, Graduation usefu.)



0 个回复

  • time
    按时间片轮转法实现处理器调度的进程:在采用多道程序设计的系统中,往往有若干个进程同时处于就绪状态。但就绪进程个数大于处理器的个数是,就要求依照某种策略决定那个进程优先占用处理器。的处理器调度,帮助学生加深处理器调度的工作(Press round-robin method to achieve processor scheduling process: the introduction of multi-channel programming system, often there are a number of processes at the same time a state of readiness. But the number of runnable processes is greater than the number of processors that would require that the process in accordance with a policy decision to preempt the processor. Processor scheduling, to help students better processor scheduling work)
    2015-07-22 11:22:16下载
  • ex10
    定义一个CStudent类,在该类定义中包括:一个数据成员score(分数)及两个静态数据成员total(总分)和学生人数count:成员函数STC(float s)设置分数,求总分,累计学生人数:静态成员函数Sum返回总分;静态成员函数Average求平均值。在main函数中,输入某班同学的成绩,并调用上述函数求全班学生的总分和平均分。(Define a CStudent class in the class definition, including: a data member score (Score) and two static data members total (total score) and the number of students count: the member function STC (float s) set score, find the total score, the cumulative Number of students: the static member function Sum return score static member function Average average. In the main function, enter the results of a class of students seeking the total score and the average score of students in the class and call the above function.)
    2012-12-04 21:00:34下载
  • sfdl
    算法导论教师手册--考试必备,英文版,中文注释,超级详细。(Algorithms Introduction to teacher' s guide- essential examinations, English, Chinese, comments, super detailed.)
    2010-01-08 20:16:19下载
  • score-management
    一个基于纯C++的简单成绩管理系统,适合新手学习(A score management system based on a simple pure C++, suitable for beginners to learn)
    2014-05-05 10:30:17下载
  • tiku
    一个简单的题库管理系统,可以进行题库的管理,根据情况和难易程序自动生成试卷(A simple exam management system can be exam management, according to the situation and ease of automatically generated papers)
    2011-09-06 15:04:17下载
  • newxuejigl
    说明:  学籍管理系统 系统是在VC++6.0和SQL Server 2000下开发的. 数据库在Database目录下,在SQLSERVER的查询分析器中执行即可生成数据库. 源程序在Src目录中. 因为程序极为经典,所以本人在此转载~ 一、编程环境: windows2000 +visual stdio c++ .net,Ado + SQL2000 二、SQL设置: 将在SQL2000下建立schooldata数据库,导入数据文件 三、导入数据: data目录下有school_back数据库备分文件 操作:用SQL企业管理器还原数据库来导入数据 访问本地数据库服务器,密码是自己设置的那个,操作schooldata数据库的用户名和密码相同。 主要用ADO访问数据库,和几个显示数据的控件Treectrl,listctrl,datagrid等程序中有几个BUG还没解决, 四、实现功能: 操作:在选择查询条件:选择一个,tree控件里显示相关信息 可以在tree控件里单击来显示每个ITEM,每个ITEM相关信息显示在LIST控件内 双击LIST控件显示具体信息 也可以在窗口里单击右键或操作菜单具体操作 五、主要功能: 查询,添加,删除,显示“学院,各系,班级,学生,教师,社团,课程”等信息(err)
    2006-03-14 14:30:30下载
  • OnlineExaminationSystem
    一个在线考试系统,时使用visual stdio做的(An online examination system, make use of visual stdio)
    2009-02-17 00:14:33下载
  • stuExtJs_servlet
    这是一个 学生信息管理设置系统。 使用了extjs和servlet,该系统拥有的功能是对学生信息进行增加、修改、删除、查询功能。(This is the setting of a student information management system. Extjs and servlet, the system has the function of student information to add, modify, delete, and query functions.)
    2012-10-23 19:21:49下载
  • LABVIEW_soundcard
    LABVIEW编写的基于声卡的信号发生与频谱分析。(LABVIEW prepared based on the sound card)
    2007-10-16 09:33:11下载
  • Library-management-system
    这是一个用C编写的《图书管理系统》有对图书的管理和读者管理两大功能(It s a library manage system. Function: manage books & manage readers )
    2014-02-27 16:53:12下载
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