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于 2016-11-25 发布 文件大小:4KB
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  IDW距离反比加权方法,意信号卷积的运算,并且绘制图象,包含CV、CA、Single、当前、恒转弯速率、转弯模型。( IDW inverse distance weighting method, Convolution operation is intended to signal and image rendering, It contains CV, CA, Single, current, constant turn rate, turning model.)



0 个回复

  • eq_inter
    matlab源碼 可用來內差時間時程資料 例如原本時間間隔為0.01秒 內插生成0.001秒(matlab source code available to the time of the interpolation process data such as the original time interval of 0.01 seconds interpolation generated 0.001 seconds)
    2013-02-27 23:01:59下载
  • huitu
    matlab 常用算法 一些常用的绘图命令 拿来就能用(classical algorithm matlab program drawing)
    2013-04-10 09:50:20下载
  • OFDmmimo
    里面含有二十多个子程序,有助于学习MIMO与OFDM。(To learn with MIMO OFDM.)
    2010-10-21 10:03:41下载
  • APIT
    Range-Free Localization Schemes for Large Scale
    2011-08-08 18:51:45下载
  • 80211a-OFDM-MATLAB-code
    有关OFDM比较齐全的仿真程序,使用者可以很方便调用使用(Comparison of the complete OFDM simulation program, the user can easily call the use of)
    2009-06-06 10:46:17下载
  • Wind_Turbine_Blockset_in_Matlab_Simulink
    Beschreibung zur wind turbine Tool Box
    2010-08-31 20:15:31下载
  • frequency-division-multiplexing
    选择五个不同频段的信号对其进行频谱分析,根据信号的频谱特征设计五个不同的数字滤波器,将五路信号合成一路信号,分析合成信号的时域和频域特点,然后将合成信号分别通过设计好的五个数字滤波器,分离出原来的五路信号,分析得到的五路信号的时域波形和频谱,与原始信号进行比较,说明频分复用的特点。(To select one of five different band signal spectrum analysis and design of five different digital filter based on the spectral characteristics of the signal, the the Rd signal synthesizing all the way to the signal analysis in time domain and frequency domain characteristics of the synthesized signal, and then the synthesis signal by five digital filter designed, separated original signal Rd, the time-domain waveform and spectrum analysis the Rd signal is obtained, to be compared with the original signal, the frequency division multiplexed with the characteristics.)
    2013-05-10 10:48:26下载
  • feimai_v80
    有均匀线阵的CRB曲线,MIT人工智能实验室的目标识别的源码,ML法能够很好的估计信号的信噪比。( There ULA CRB curve, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory identification of the target source, ML estimation method can be a good signal to noise ratio.)
    2016-05-19 12:12:30下载
  • processradar
    % BackgroundRemoval=[true],false % Gain=[tsquare],linear % BandPass=[paul],fircls % CenterFrequency, auto (determined using pburg) % BandWidth=auto (a fraction of the CenterFrequency default=0.25) % ContrastStretch=[true],false % HilbertAmplitude=[true],false % HorizontalStacking=1 (a number of traces) %( BackgroundRemoval = [true], false Gain = [tsquare], linear BandPass = [paul], fircls CenterFrequency, auto (determined using pburg) BandWidth = auto (a fraction of the CenterFrequency default = 0.25) ContrastStretch = [true], false HilbertAmplitude = [true], false HorizontalStacking = 1 (a number of traces))
    2007-12-20 00:03:47下载
  • SpacetimeMatlabCode
    包括分层空时编码,网格空时编码,以及分组空时编码,很全面的matlab仿真程序,gui界面(Including the layered space-time coding, space-time coding grid and the split space-time coding, it is comprehensive matlab simulation program, gui interface)
    2020-08-06 13:28:33下载
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